Chapter One: A Second Chance

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Mosskit gasped, opening her eyes against the dirt. Soil lay atop her, slowly taking her breath. She searched for a easy way out-- maybe a tunnel, or a hole. Despite her efforts, she couldn't find any, and, in a moment of desperation, she began digging upwards, scraping pile after pile of dirt until she could see the light of the surface. She crept through the hole, and, once there, she leaped, landing atop the freezing snow. She took a gasp of cold air as the wind blew on her whiskers. She padded around the territory, unsure of what to do, or how to get home. She eventually decided to take a route near the moors, hoping it could lead back to camp, and, quite quickly, she saw a barn. She raced to it, desperately in need of shelter. She found a window that was slightly open, and jumped up to it, then strolled inside. She leaped down, and froze. There, in the barn, were so many cats, not rogues or loners, definitely not, from their scent, and the way they were acting seemed so... familiar, as if they themselves were a Clan, reminding her of home. Suddenly, a cream-colored with soft gray eyes cat leaped down from the tall crate they'd been standing on. "Who's kit is this?" They mewed, sniffing Mosskit. Mosskit stepped backwards, arching her spine and letting her fur bristle, unsure if the stranger was trustworthy. "Why should I tell you anything?" She snarled. The cat flicked their tail. "Well, I can tell from your scent that you're ThunderClan." The cat sat up, and sent an anxious look to their Clanmates, who were shaking their heads. The cat turned back. "Well, little kit, do you need a place to stay?" Calming down a bit, Mosskit nodded. The cat smiled. "Well, then, we can take you in. I am Plumstar, leader of FernClan. Welcome." They purred. Mosskit calmed. A she-cat appeared beside Plumstar, her gray-brown pelt delicately matching her emerald-green eyes. "I am Mothtail. I can take care of you." Hesitantly, Mosskit nodded. Mothtail licked Mosskit on the head, and purred. "You will be a great warrior of FernClan, I can promise that." Mosskit purred, snuggling up against her adoptive mother. She had been so scared, but Mothtail's soft, warm fur made her feel so safe. "Come, head to the nursery." Mosskit followed Mothtail to an area with cardboard placed over it for shade, with nests made of ferns and feathers inside. There were a few queens, whom Mothtail introduced as Silentstep, Tansywing, and Yarrowclaw. Silentstep was still awaiting her kits, and Yarrowclaw was mother of Shinekit and Creamkit, who were the same age as Mosskit. Tansywing mothered Willowkit, Berrykit, and Goldenkit, the oldest three of all the kits in the nursery. Mothtail then introduced her own kits: Mousekit, Littlekit, and Tallkit. Mosskit stared at the sunset from the nursery window, then hopped down, proceeding to curl up with her new adoptive family and fall asleep.

The next morning, Mosskit awoke early at dawn. The other kits in the nursery were still asleep, as well as the queens. Mosskit stepped out the nursery, yawning. She decided to explore camp- she would need to know which dens were which. She climbed up a ladder that led to the upper floor of the barn, and found three dens: one smelled strongly of herbs, one was quite large, and the last had only two apprentices in it. She figured these were the medicine, warrior, and apprentice dens. She stepped down, and found a small, fancy den behind Tallcrate. She stepped inside. It was so beautiful, with leaves, fresh moss, and even flowers decorating it. Suddenly, a startling voice boomed behind her. "Mosskit, what are you doing in here?" It was Plumstar. Then Mosskit realized: This must be the leader's den. Oh no! Kits aren't supposed to be in here! She thought. "I'm sorry," Mosskit mewed. "I didn't know this was your den." Plumstar smiled. "It's alright. I admire your curiosity. Come on, let's go." They mewed. Mosskit followed Plumstar out of the den, and sat beside him. "You should probably know some of our customs and such. Well, there's three dens on the upper floor of the barn. The warriors, apprentices, and medicine dens. Down here, we have my den, the nursery, and the elders' den." They pointed with their tail to a steady den nearby. "For hunting, we eat the mice and voles on the farm. We also climb up to the roof and pin down hawks and falcons, but you're not old enough for that yet. Our territory contains the farm, some of the moorland around it, and the woods by the Moonstone." They added. Mosskit nodded. "Wow. This place is really different from ThunderClan." She mewed. Plumstar nodded. Mosskit looked up. "Hey, Plumstar?" She mewed. Plumstar gazed at Mosskit. "Yes?"
They responded. Mosskit flicked her tiny tail. "Who's the deputy and medicine cat of your Clan?" She asked. Plumstar smiled. "My deputy is Cindersong. Our medicine cat is Flamingpool, and his apprentice is Frostfoot." They explained. "The apprentices of the Clan are Songpaw and Hornetpaw, but they're going to become warriors today. And our elders are Blacktuft and Snowfrost." They added. Plumstar leaped onto Tallcrate. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Tallcrate for a Clan meeting!" They yowled. "It has been a fortunate greenleaf, and I am proud to announce that two apprentices have completed their training. Songpaw and Hornetpaw, step forward." They continued, and the two apprentices eagerly obeyed. "I, Plumstar, leader of FernClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to watch over these two apprentices, for they have trained long and hard. Songpaw, Hornetpaw, do you promise to protect your Clan and uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" They mewed. Hornetpaw nodded. "I do." She mewed. Songpaw nodded aswell. "I do!" She purred. "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Hornetpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Hornetsting. StarClan honors your ferocity and intelligence. Songpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Songbreeze. StarClan honors your eagerness and hard work." They declared. FernClan cheered the new warriors' names. "Songbreeze! Hornetsting! Songbreeze! Hornetsting!" They yowled. Plumstar flicked their tail. "Clan dismissed." They mewed. Mosskit noticed how nearly all the cats were up now. Mothtail worriedly stepped out the nursery, her eyes anxiously darting around the camp before landing on Mosskit. She padded over. "Mosskit! Where were you? I was worried sick when I woke up and you weren't there!" She murmured, grooming Mosskit's fur. Mosskit looked down. "Sorry.." She muttered. Mothtail smiled. "It's alright, dear. I'm just glad you're okay. Now, come on, we need to introduce you to the Clan!"

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