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phoebe's pov

          spending time at home is by far one of my favorite hobbies. i love everything to do with being lazy, napping, and playing games. this is why i have no clue why i told elliot i would join track and field. maybe it's me trying to impress him and get his attention? or maybe it's my parents constantly on me about doing a sport? whatever it is, i can't believe i'm sitting here on the field waiting to do warmups with my event.

       all i can notice is how i'm not like the other people here, especially the girls. ALL of the girls are muscly and lean. they are so tan and so athletic.
here's a mental note of literally everything that makes me stick out:
- i have collar bone length brunette hair that's all in layers
- i'm way beyond the word pale
- i'm the only one in baggy clothes
-  i do have little to no fat on me but i have absolutely no muscle to match these girls.

        as i'm sitting on the field criss cross apple sauce style, activity feeling the sun giving me a sun burn, i notice a girl about 5'8" with dark brown hair that ever so slightly catches the sun's rays. as she get closer i notice finer details like her one dimple she has when she smiles, her brown eyes that catch the light in similar ways to her hair. i pick up on the small jewelry she has in her ears and nose. i snap out of my creepy gaze and realize she's talking to me. i also realize i have heard nothing she has said.
"i'm sorry, what did you say?" i say scratching my head embarrassed.
"i said, 'coach sent me over to get you for warm ups.'" she says raising her eyebrows.
"yeah, sorry about that i was in my head i guess, anyways..." i say awkwardly.
"i don't believe we have met, i'm valeria flores, you can call me val," she says smiling at me and offering a hand.
i take her hand and get off the ground and reply "i don't believe we have either, i'm phoebe willson, i'm a senior at the high school,"
"i'm a junior, i guess that explains why we haven't met before," val says with a slight giggle.
        as we walk to the warm up area i find myself with a weird temptation to just keep talking to her.
"i'm friends with elliot, elliot cove. he's the one in front of everybody else on the track doing sprints,"
"oh, really?" she says a slight red tint coming to her dark skin.
"i mean yeah since like literally 6th grade we've been best friends. why are you so red?" i point out.
"you know, i've kinda had my eye on him for a while.. he's really cute, like his fluffy hair and green eyes, we snap back and forth a lot," she says rambling on. suddenly jealousy fills my body, i feel threatened, he's supposed to be mine, i snap him everyday too you know? we literally cuddle and hold hands as a joke, we are so close we know about everything about each other you, you, a random junior that showed up out of no where think you can have him?
"oh, i mean he's lacking in the height department," i say calmly with rage inside me.
"well whatever, if he's best friends with you i'm sure he has the hots for you. have you looked at yourself? you're beautiful," she says with a wink.
suddenly the rage is replaced by vulnerability. my face feels hot. for some reason i feel extra flustered by this comment and i can't tell why.

after what feels like an eternity of practicing throwing a stupid ball and disk in the hot sun practice is finally over. as i go to meet up with elliot, valeria is right on my trail. she silently walks beside me. as she walks beside me i feel nervous and i keep taking glances at her. when i get to elliot he looks tired and wore out but still runs over to me.
"hiya pheebs," he says putting his arm around my head.
"hey el, good to see you and all but please get your armpits further from my face, you stink and need deodorant," i say playfully shoving him away expecting him to stay but he actually steps back and looks valeria up and down. suddenly that angry feeling is back, that burning passion in me to absolutely set fire to everything.
"hey, val! i have you on snap. you warming up to phoebe or something? i know she quite a girl isn't she. has she told you how and you stink yet? or-" i cut him off shoving him out of the way.
"ignore him, val this is elliot and el this is valeria,"
"we know each other pretty well you know pheebs," elliot says with a sly grin.
"we'll excuse me mr. know it all?" i say snappily back at him.
valeria stands there observing before saying "you know it's fine, good to meet you elliot but this is my car. see you guys," she says unlocking her car
i was so caught up with everything that i hadn't even noticed us walking towards the parking lot.

when i get to my car i unlock it and throw my bag in the back. elliot hops in the passenger seat.
"thanks for letting me carpool with you, you know your boy broke," he says putting his seat belt on.
"you know it's no problem, anything for you!" i say getting in the drivers seat and giving him deodorant.
as i'm setting up my bluetooth i'm interrupted,
"pheebs, you know that valeria girl is really hot, like total big booty latina," he says in a joking tone, wiggling his eyebrows.
"god, shut the fuck up el, that's literally disgusting. maybe grow a couple inches and girls would want you," i say in only a half joking way.
"you know, she could def get me to grow a couple inches you know? i kid i kid, but what's pissing you off so much right now?" he says throwing the deodorant into the bag in the backseat.
"first of all, disgusting, second of all, two inches doesn't count, and finally, nothing is pissing me off, mind your business," i say putting the car in drive.

when we get to his house i drop him off and wave goodbye. i slump down in my seat realizing joining track was already going to be my biggest regret.
god you stupid, cute, fool.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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