A home torned apart

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(Tw: Death, fire)

Parrot... didn't know what to do anymore. After the accident, he had no choice but to spend most of his time alone. Sure, he always wanted this, a calm time with no random arguing from his friends,

But he would've preferred for them to at least still be here. He would've preferred to hear them for the last time, and to also say sorry,

I mean, after what he's done, of course he would want to do so.


                                   It was a normal day, Spoke, Ro, and Vortex were fighting over something that Parrot did not know of, mainly because he was sleepy and didn't pay any attention at the time.

All that he knew at the time was that they were fighting in the kitchen, and that the stove was on whilst the three were arguing. Parrot, hearing a hissing noise coming from the stove, was about to tell the others to turn the stove off, because it could explode,

But decided not to, because he thought the others would just turn it off in the end. So, he took his jacket,

"Ro, I'm going out. Can you make sure these two won't cause any trouble?" Parrot asked Ro, putting the jacket on,

Ro gave a thumbs up, nodded, and went back to the random argument he was in.

So, after the reassurance, Parrot goes outside to get some fresh air (and some much-needed rest on the bench).

But in the end, he would regret his decision.


                               Walking home from the park, Parrot heard a bunch of ambulance and firetrucks, each sound getting louder as he gets closer to home,

'Oh shoot, did anything happen...'  Parrot thought, going from walking to running, worrying about the other three that he had left at the house.

The closer he gets, the louder the sounds are.

Closer, louder,

Closer, louder,

Closer, louder.

Until he arrived.


From what seems to be the place Parrot calls home to now a house burning in front of his eyes.
He couldn't move. Tears came running down his cheeks. Many thoughts came through his head;

'Where's the others...? NO NO NO- WHERES THE OTHERS?!' On repeat,

A police officer walked towards him,

"Sir, is this your house?" The officer asks, Parrot didn't answer, and instead asks,

"Were there anyone in there?"

"Yes, there were, black haired, white haired, and a brunette-" Parrots eyes widen,

"PLEASE- PLEASE, TELL ME THEYRE SAFE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE-" Parrot yelled, he just wants them to be safe, he doesn't want to lose his friends,

"I'm sorry to say this but," The officer paused, Parrot looked terrified, knowing to well what the officer's about to say, tears started pouring down his cheeks even more,

"They didn't make it..."


And all that he knew later was that three gravestones would be carved with names of the people he knew and cared about.

Why.. why did he let any of this happen-?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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