001 : against the law

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Seokmin watched the road outside as the car run smoothly in the highway. He was humming a random tune, eyes trained on the buildings starting to turn on the lights as the night was nearing, the very few rays of sun passing through the clouds, the big ball of fire ready to take it's rest for the day.

He looks at his boyfriend, manoeuvring the wheel with one hand while the other rests on his thigh. Seokmin sighed dreamily watching his muscle tense, his jaw in a relaxed manner yet still looking cleanched and the big round specs that hang lowely on his nose.

Joshua had always been hot, and Seokmin would always be thankful that he's the one who managed to attract the cold hearted prince....as to what their University label him.

He's introverted, rarely talks, has the resting bitch face but that's what makes him more attractive, according to the public. But to someone who knows him well, to someone like Seokmin- while that might be partially true, there's another side of this man that no one knows except his close friends or loved ones.

The said man also hides a goofy personality underneath.

"What are you staring at?" His calm voice interrupted Seokmin's train of thoughts, body filnching a little as he fixed his posture before placing a small smirk on his lips.


A small snort erupt from the elder's thin lips, before he was running his hand in his long hair shaking his head in amusement.

"What's so funny? I'm really thinking about you." Seokmin argued and Joshua gripped his thigh, running his hand through the soft material of his pants causing a wave of sparks to erupt in Seokmin's tummy, causing him to shut his mouth..

"Yes yes, baby. Now stop pouting and let me focus on getting us home hmm?" Joshua muttered softly, momentarily glancing at him with a small tired smile before focusing back on the road.

It caused Seokmin to frown, however, he understands because Joshua is a law student and being one means having less sleep as he memorize the laws and articles and study cases.

He stared at the elder's black bags under his eyes which caused him to bite his lip, before an idea ran through his head.

Maybe this is something that can help his boyfriend's spirits to be lift up a bit.

"Hey, love" he called and Joshua hummed.

"What would you do if I kill someone?" He asked and waited to see the elder's reaction to it.

Thankfully he is so used to Seokmin's thoughts that he didn't even splutter or stepped on the brake in surprise. Instead he just hummed before answering.

"If you kill someone, you killed someone. You're a bad person." Joshua answered and Seokmin laughed at his response.

It's not about the way how he is so casual or nonchalant about it but his tone and humour under it.

Truthfully he is the only one who can keep up with Seokmin's silliness.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Seokmin pouted before crossing his arms.

"You wouldn't even do anything?"

"No? I mean, you killed someone. You deserves to go to jail"

Seokmin glared as he put a dramatic hand on his chest.

"What kind of boyfriend are you that you won't even do anything for me?"

Joshua rolled his eyes, biting his lips to prevent the smile that's slowly making it's way.

"Well, I mean there's presumption of innocence. Of course, we'll gather facts and evidences-"

"What does that even mean?" Seokmin asked as he almost laughed out when Joshua looked at him momentarily, looking so done.

"It means you shouldn't be labeled as what your case acused you. You should remain innocent at the eyes of the public, not until the court said otherwise,"

Seokmin made a face as he nodded his head and then faced Joshua urging him to continue.

"Okay, continue what you were saying last time"

Joshua let out a tired sigh, turning left before he is smoothly driving again.

"So, yeah. We will gather evidences, think of the reason why you commit murder.... what if it's out of self defence?"

"Yes that's a way but like.... wouldn't not you help me bury the body?" Seokmin asked, on the verge of laughing as his boyfriend threw his head back in annoyance.

"Why would I help you? I'll get involved too!" Joshua exclaimed and that's when Seokmin laughed out loud, clutching his stomach as he tried to cover his mouth. It seems as if he stressed his boyfriend more with his questions that Joshua had to stop the car to let out a sigh.

"You're causing me mental breakdown baby" Joshua groaned and Seokmin giggled before unbuckling his seatbelt to make himself comfortable to trap Joshua's face between his hands.

"You know you're all so hot when all serious, talking about the law?" Seokmin asked, pecking his lips twice as Joshua chased his lips.

"And you are annoying, always asking me those type of questions? You planning to be a criminal boy?" Joshua asked with his brows furrowed, placing a kiss on Seokmin's neck as the boy continued to giggle.

"God, I love you so much" Seokmin muttered, capturing Joshua's lips for a kiss, still all smiles causing the kiss to be a bit messy.

The older seemed annoyed by this that he gripped Seokmin's thigh, grabbing him close, perching the younger on his lap. Seokmin let out a satisfied moan as he felt Joshua's tent against him. This made him smirk as the kiss turned to be more serious and heated.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, Seokmin's fingers slipping through his locks as he gripped on them, pulled, causing Joshua to groan as Seokmin nipped on his lips.

The younger pulled Joshua's lower lip before letting go, and then both of them are panting.

"Let's get home before we get freaky on the side of the road" Seokmin said pecking his lips once again, as Joshua kissed his shoulder.

"I love you" Joshua said and Seokmin smiled before he is slipping off his lap going back to his seat buckling up his seatbelt.

"Let's get going Lawyer Hong" Seokmin said mischievously and Joshua laughed as he started the engine, driving home.

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