YOUR WINGS! || ROTTMNT x Mutant Moth [ READER ] ( R ) / ( P )

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( Requested by: MultiFandomChaos20 )

TYPE: Headcannon


★ You guys we're trying to survive Big Mama's champions and you we're fighting her most toughest champion and you somehow had to make her cry, You we're teamed up with the worm guy that you forgot his name.

★ You've heard that the others (excluding Raph) survived and you we're the only person left in the battle field.

★ " Hurry up mothy-po! The others are waiting, Especially a certain red-eared slider turtle. " Big mama said and it distracted you and you got captured by the big hands of her champion.

★ You struggled for a bit while the big person held you in his hand, after a bit the giant woman decided to rip your wings apart.

★ It suprised everyone including but Leo was the most shocked of them all, he saw your body fall onto the floor, " OH I AM SO DEAD! " The worm guy said while running away from the battlefield.

★ Mikey & Donnie had to comfort Leo for a bit as he was on the floor and was tearing up, He just saw the love of his life / Best friend fell onto the floor dead.

★ Raph had survive and saw your dead body " [ READER ]! " He shouted as he started running towards you, " Are you okay? " He said as he held you, your eyes started opening up and you immediately saw him " Raph, What.. happened? "

★ Raph explained all that has happened as you we're trying to stand up. " Well, We have to help them out " You said as Raph nodded off to save the others, especially a certain red-eared slider turtle.

★ After the incident your wings looked like it wasn't going to grow back any sooner, So Leo asked his genius, awesome, cool brother to build you mechanical wings.

★ By Donnie's will (+ Begging from Leo) he decided to build you some.


★ You we're helping the turtles fight some of the foot clan.

★ You we're shooting some arrows towards the enemies mid air but unfortunately you didn't see Cassandra behind you, She jumped onto you startling you a bit.

★ You and Cassandra we're fighting in mid air, Cassandra had a more higher advantage and manages to rip your wings apart.

★ You fell and we're screaming, Raph heard you scream and immediately ran towards you to catch you.

★ Raph managed to catch you and you we're so happy & grateful, " Are you okay [ READER ]? " Raph asked and you decided to hug him while he's holding you " Thank you so much! " You said not noticing his flustered / Embarrassed face.

★ When the Mad dogs & Cassandra became allies Raph still didn't trust her to go anywhere near you.

★ Whenever Cass see decides to talk to you he just full on glares towards her.

★ It took him a couple of months to trust her fully to let you talk to her.


★ You guys we're fighting meat sweats while he was trying to attack an innocent Yokai.

★ While fighting him he got onto you and grabbed you with his hands.

★ " I may not have gotten the yokai I wanted, But this substitute will do " He said while ripping your wings apart.

★ You immediately fell to the floor with Mikey running to your aid.

★ " [ READER ] ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! " Mikey said while holding your wounded head, You answered with a single thumbs up.

★ After that whole incident Mikey helps you with recovery, Getting you everything you need and entertaining you in every possible way.


★ There was an accident that happened 10 months ago, You we're helping Donnie & April with her school project.

★ Unfortunately you accidentally bumped into one of Donnie's dangerous acids and some of the acid got onto your wings.

★ You, Donnie, And April tried very hard to save your wings but it was an epic fail.

★ After the incident Donnie felt very guilty for ruining your only way of transportation.

★ So to make up for it, He built you your very own mini [ FAVORITE DESSERT ] machine inside the turtle-tank.

★ Obviously it didn't fix the damage, But you forgave him.. kinda.


Honestly, Writing Donnie's part in headcannons are hard af and Idk why 😭, Also thank you towards to MultiFandomChaos20 for requesting in this book! I'm so glad some people actually enjoy this oneshots/headcannons book :'D


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