Chapter 1

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Inside a luxurious apartment where rich people can only get in, A lady dressed in a red thin nightie was silently staring at the whole city from her glass walls. The sunset was reflected inside the clean and classy living room. She could see 4 tall buildings, surrounding a taller one in the middle of the city. It is currently the tallest building in the entire city... She leaned against the glass pane and she closed her eyes, feeling serenity...

A few minutes later, she heard the doorbell ring... She didn't mind it at all as if she heard nothing.

After a few times of ringing, it stopped and the next thing she heard was her main door opening.

Still, she pretended as if she heard nothing...She could hear footsteps approaching her and from
behind, she could smell a faint cologne she knew very well... A rustling was heard, and eventually, an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Why didn't you open the door for me?" She heard a calm and soft manly voice, yet instead of relaxing, she even felt more chill.

She didn't reply to him...He remained silent for at least 10 seconds, giving her the time she might need but he still received nothing. His eyes narrowed and he forced her to look at him, turning her around with an arm wrapped around her waist while the other hand held her chin, tilting it upwards to meet his calm gaze.

"I'll give you 3 seconds to answer me." He said, his voice remaining calm and soft yet it was a threat.

She knew it...

"Please stop coming here already, Dazai-san..." She tried to remove his hand from her chin but he refused to.

"And why is that?" he asked. She looked at him, coldness visible in her blue eyes.

"You and I have no such relationship that allows you to come and embrace me. I believe you know that."

" Is that really the reason?" He caressed her cheek slowly and his eyes tell her that he knows what she's hiding. She pretended to be calm as if nothing's going on.

" Is there anything else? You've already slept with me how many times. Isn't that enough to satisfy you? Besides, many women are ready to throw themselves at you any time you want." She tried to push him away but his embrace got tighter, his dark brown eyes even darkened as he stared at her as if he's staring right through her soul.

" You're seeing someone, are you?" Her body tensed and he saw the slightest change in her
expression, answering his question.

" What if I am? It's not that we're in a relationship. Release me now, Dazai-san." She answered. She's looking at him coldly but her heart was pounding so fast from nervousness and fear. Despite her attempt to scare him with her icy gaze, Dazai didn't submit to her order...

" I see... I was just away for a week and this happened. I guess I have another one to kill, huh, Airee."

Her eyes widened and she glared at him, pushing him with all her might.

" You're crazy, Dazai-san! Just let me go already! What else do you want from me?"

"... You better cut ties with him or he'll end up dead. I don't joke around." He said coldly. She could feel chills from his voice. It was foreign to her yet familiar at the same time. 

" Will you stop this already, Dazai-san? We're not in a relationship! And I love that man!" She glared at him, shouting angrily, without realizing how his expression slightly changed for a moment before it became even colder and grimmer.

" no. You don't love him." He spoke as if he was sure of it.

" What?! You don't tell me who to love! Let me go!" she struggled from his grasp. Dazai stared at her without saying anything... No matter how much she struggled, He held her.

" Dazai-san. You can get all the women you like so just let me go already! In the first place, you did nothing but sleep with me. I am not your bed warmer!" she shouted, raising her hand, ready to slap him. Dazai held her hand and pinned her against the glass pane.

He leaned even closer to her, his icy cold brown eyes staring at her blue orbs.

"...That's right." He admitted softly. She could feel his warm breath against her skin, giving her

" Stop doing this to me, Dazai-san. You are the Port mafia boss so can't you just find other people to play with? There are those more beautiful than me! Wealthier and even better at satisfying your desires! Just let me go already..." She met his cold gaze with a cold look, having no intention of backing down.

"... you should know full well what I'm capable of, Airee. You have two choices. Leave the man and be obedient or I'll kill the man and you'll still be mine. No matter what you choose, I will still have way or another." No one broke eye contact. Airee was furiously glaring at him while he's looking coldly at her.

She understood full well how powerful Dazai is. If he wants someone dead, they have no choice but to die...She doesn't understand why he's so possessive of her when they don't even have a proper relationship.

" why are you doing this to me?! What did I ever do to you?" He didn't answer her question.

" Choose..." he said softly.

" No! I will never leave him! You can't separate us!!" she still insisted, desperate to escape from his grasp.

" I'll give you a chance to change your answer...that's all I can give you. If you waste that, you will see his lifeless body, chopped in pieces, barely recognizable, wrapped in a box and ribbons in front of your door." She looked at him, terrified.


Dazai leaned closer to her and slowly, he initiated a kiss...She wanted to distance herself but there's no space behind her. She tried to push him away but he pulled her waist even closer, deepening the kiss...



Hi... It's been quite a long time since I published something. BSD is my favourite anime and I thought it would be nice to make another fanfic about the Beast Version.

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