Chapter 2

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Airee woke up from an alarm clock. She's completely naked in her own room with a comforter covering her. She saw no one beside her and that same side was cold as if no one was there...She looked at her body and saw a lot of hickeys.

She knew there's no way she can possibly hide all of these from anyone...just before her was a big mirror that completely covered her wall...She could see just how Dazai marked her.

They're scattered on her neck, shoulders, breasts and even on her thighs. She bit her lips and closed her eyes trying to calm herself as if saying everything's fine...everything's fine...but she could still remember Dazai's words to her last night...

Looking at the mirror made her remember how he made her look at herself in the mirror the entire time they did it for who knows how many times...

She swallowed the humiliation, thinking about how easily he could take from her mouth whatever words he wanted with his sweet nothings.

She doesn't understand why he's acting that way towards her.

She began to remember how exactly she got into this situation.

'If... I didn't resign, will it be different?'

She recalled the first time they met each other, back when she was still the secretary of the former Mafia boss, the leader of the tallest buildings in the city, the most feared syndicate.

It was going well until that time when she found out that the boss she served for a year died and Dazai took over.

She decided to defect for the reason that she's scared of Dazai being her boss...

'If I didn't take the offer of the boss, will my life be different?'

'I shouldn't have taken the offer of Mori-san... I shouldn't have become the secretary of the mafia...'

She held her face as her tears streamed down.

'I left... thinking that I've now achieved my freedom...'

However, despite running away from the mafia, she was easily found by Dazai and he manipulated her into sleeping with him with a promise that he won't hunt her down because of her betrayal. Even with her air ability, she knows full well what a terrifying demon Dazai is. Although her air ability is strong, she lacks battle skills.

He took away all her first times.

For 4 years, she lived in fear of what the man could do to her and she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to have a normal relationship with someone as well...

Airee took a deep breath and she hugged herself, bowing down.

This was always the same scenario every time Dazai came, him toying with her for the whole night and her waking up in an empty cold bed, naked...the only difference is that she was filled with marks that she won't be able to hide. He was always mild and gentle...even if gets aggressive, he wasn't that rough with her...Yesterday was definitely more aggressive and it was filled with something she couldn't fathom...

She could feel pain from below her...Lucky for her, she has her air regeneration to help her down there...but it couldn't possibly heal those bruises. After all, he made sure they wouldn't go away for days.

It was as if showing her that there's no way she can ever run away from him.

She heard her phone rang and when she saw the ID, she felt guilty all of a sudden...still, she took a deep breath and tried to speak to make sure her voice didn't sound coarse...However, no matter how much she tried to rehearse, she failed...She stood up slowly and wore her robe. She decided to ignore the call first and she took a shower.

When she looked at her phone, she saw 10 missed calls from the same person...she clenched her phone and took a deep breath as she swiped the notifications down.

She did her usual morning routine, except she applied a thick foundation on her skin...and it was so obvious that she had to wear a scarf to hide it...She went out of her apartment wearing a red coat that only reached her thighs. All buttons were closed. she's wearing red high heeled closed sandals, and black leggings...

She drove to the company where she's currently working as a secretary. Upon going out of her car, a man approached her with a smile. He's holding flowers as well, a boquet of red roses. Airee glanced at him, feeling pain in her heart.

"Ms Airee!" he greeted.

"Please accept the flowers." he said with a cheerful smile. He looked so radiant. He had black hair and black eyes looking at her with slight blush on his cheeks. The man was someone who Airee was considering to date...

She glanced at the red roses, reminded of what the man would usually bring her. The flowers she loved, the color she loved... and yet she grew to hate.

" thank you..." she said and smiled softly. The guy's eyes widened and he blush intensified.

" Ms Airee...d-did you consider it?" He stuttered as he talked about dating her. Airee felt a pang in her heart.

" are you... really serious about dating me, Sato-san?" she asked him.

" yes. I feel are the one for me. B-but please don't pressure yourself to answer me. I will wait!" he immediately said to her. Airee nodded slightly.

'The one for you...huh? I would like to try it too...but I'm afraid he'd do something to you.'

" Are you okay, Ms Airee?"

" yes...thank you for worrying." Airee smiled and both went inside the building...


It's been two days. She saw nothing of his shadow and she sighed in relief...

He always comes unannounced and when that happens, he'll definitely sleep with her. It was as if Airee was just for convenience whenever he wanted it. He treats her as his toy, something to play with when he's bored. No one even knows that they know each other...

She doesn't even know him...

4 years in that kind of messed up relationship, Airee doesn't like it...She wanted to run away from him and she did 4 times but he always found her. No matter where she runs to, he could still find her...He won't let her out of Yokohama.

He drops by when he wants, leaves when he wants. There's not a single time Airee saw him beside her when she woke was always the empty and cold side that shows no indication that someone was there.

She entered her living room and collapsed on her couch, closing her eyes...

The traces of his marks were still visible and everytime she sees them, She always remembers him. it's as if he was always saying that even if I'm not there, you're still mine...

His marks speaks for his possessiveness towards Airee. She slowly reached for the hickey on her neck...

"'re a cruel man..." she whispered, tears silently falling from her closed eyes. She didn't bother wiping them off and just placed her arm on her forehead, hoping that it will get better when she wakes up.



In the dark wide empty room, a lady bowed to the man dressed in black coat, wearing bandages around his right eye and all over his body. He was sitting in a black single royal throne chair. His expression was grim as if he's staring at the world emptily.

The lady couldn't understand his gaze but she could see just how deep his eyes were...It was as if he could see through everything with just a glance. It was the Port mafia boss...

"I have already contacted him...I sent the location and the time for the meeting..." She said respectfully to the man who didn't even change his expression and just nodded.

"...But, boss...will he really accept the deal?"

"He will...after all, he's just like the others." His voice contained dryness and confidence. The lady quietly stared silently at him, wondering just what he's thinking...



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