Chapter 3

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"Ms Airee." Airee glanced at her co-worker who called her with a smile.

"Yes?" she asked, returning the smile as well. The lady invited her over a cup of coffee after work to which she agreed. Inside the cafe, the lady chatted with her and occasionally asked Airee about Sato, the guy who was persistently courting her for the past 2 weeks. Airee just smiled and said that he's a good guy...

The lady asked if there's a chance Airee will accept him. Airee tensed, clenching her mug. Every time she thinks of Sato, it is Dazai who comes to mind...

She couldn't get him off her mind.

"...I don't know..." Airee honestly answered her. She wanted to try being with Sato but Dazai is on her way...If she continues to disobey him, she might really see Sato wrapped in a box with ribbons, chopped and lifeless before her very own door.

Dazai is definitely terrifying. Being the previous boss' secretary, she has access to all the records and she read Dazai's records...It was the worst, even worse than Mori—definitely the blackest record she read. It gave her chills and goosebumps, just thinking about how much of a demon the man was.

" I mean, you're from a wealthy family, Ms Airee... Sato-san is from a poor one. Your status is different..." Airee knew that.

but that's not the problem...Because even though she's rich, she should've had the freedom. But Dazai was chaining her down with him. She couldn't run away...

That person knows everything about her and he has her completely in his palm.

"yeah..." She answered. The lady just sighed...

"Don't you think you should at least find someone with the same status as you? Because I know the rich and poor relationship doesn't work out really well." That's not the real problem though.

"...I know..."

"Sato-san seems to really like you but he's not your match." She already heard a lot of people saying that...After all, Sato only tried to court her last week.

Airee nodded. She knows...

"Yeah...I know..." After all, she's being chained down by darkness while Sato was living in the light. the lady sighed and she smiled softly, tapping her shoulder.

"It's fine, Ms Airee. With your beauty, wealth and good personality, you will find someone who you'll love, will love you and will match you." she said warmly. Airee looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you..."

She entered her apartment and sighed heavily.

"had any problem, honey?" she flinched, hearing a soft and warm voice from a man dressed in black, leaning against the wall. He had his usual soft smile. She hadn't seen him in 4 days and now, he's here again...

"why are you here again, Dazai-san?" She asked him.

"hmmm...well, I had a meeting somewhere near and I decided to pay you a visit. Didn't you miss me, darling?" he asked, approaching her with a warm and gentle smile she always sees. She couldn't see anything wrong with him.

When they stood face to face, she smelled his cologne that soothes her every time, except the man wearing it was Dazai whom she hates.

"Then please go out." She said only to be answered by his soft chuckle as if he wasn't affected by it at all. He was always like that. No matter how Airee insults him, he laughs it off as if nothing is wrong.

"No way, no way." he answered with a smile. Airee walked past him but he grabbed her arm and pulled her. The moment she looked at him, she was met by a gentle kiss...She didn't bother pushing him away, knowing that he'd only do more if she did.

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