Chapter 4

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"you're going home already, Ms Airee?" Sato asked with a bright smile.

By now, everyone already heard the news that Sato was courting Airee. There's no doubt that a lot of men liked Airee... However, they all know that she's rich and out of their league. Those with money who tried to court her were turned down by her because she knows what they're after...she wasn't from the port mafia just for nothing. She learned to differentiate how dangerous people are and what they might be thinking.

And then, a poor guy decided to give it a try...Airee knows he has the purest intention and he was definitely a good guy. It was really funny for the others at first when they saw him trying to court a woman out of his league.

However, they saw how Airee nicely treated him and those who previously misjudged her wanted to try their luck as well.

" Yes. Why? Is there something you want to say?" she asked with a smile...Airee was definitely a calm woman. She smiles sometimes but when she's working, she maintains her poker face, earning her the title of cold lady at work. But after that, she smiles as well.

It has become a habit of hers.

"I...can I invite you for dinner?"

"..." Airee stayed silent... dinner? She knows very well that when Dazai knows this, he won't let go of Sato. She's been trying to avoid Sato already after that conversation with Dazai, knowing that he might die.

" Please don't worry! I...I just want to really eat dinner with you, Ms Airee. You can consider this as my way of courting you." He shyly said, he's trembling a bit from nervousness as well...Airee couldn't help but smile at how innocent he is, compared to the person who ravages her. They're the complete opposite... She couldn't turn him down after seeing that smile.

" alright...please get in the car." she said. Sato looked at her in shock and indescribable happiness. Airee decided to stop thinking about what happened to her and Dazai as she drove to where he said...Compared to the restaurants she went to before, this was definitely not a match.

" I...apologize, I'm not that rich..." he said shyly.

" It's fine...I don't mind." Airee said with a reassuring smile. the guy sighed in relief and they both went in and ordered food...

Both of them were chatting with each other and Airee could see just how happy Sato was...

She glanced around and froze when she saw a familiar man in black, sitting in the corner, holding his phone near his ear as if he's calling someone but his mouth never opened the entire time. There's a cup of coffee visible on his table. The darkness of his location accentuated his grim appearance. Surely, no one would notice the darkness of his expression. They'd just think that maybe because he's on the dark side of the room. He looks majestic that some are looking at him. Even with his current position, the ladies could see how handsome he is.

Their eyes met and she felt chills run down in her spine.

"Ms Airee?" Sato called out to her worriedly...he could see her slightly shaking...

Airee didn't hear him, Dazai's voice rang inside her mind again...She could clearly hear him saying how he'll kill Sato if she won't leave him...It kept on repeating inside her mind.

" Ms Airee." Sato tried to touch her but Airee reflexively pulled her hands away from him, shocking him.

" I-I'm sorry..." she said...

" I-It's's my fault for trying to touch you without asking." Sato blushed and looked away nervously... Airee bowed her head, thinking deeply what she should do...Dazai saw them. He saw Sato and he said he'll kill him. There's no way he's kidding.

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