Chapter 5

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For the next whole month, she lived her life in peace...No Dazai and the courtship stopped. At least she's relieved Sato doesn't have to die already. They all noticed that Sato stopped his sweet actions towards her and Airee didn't seem to be affected by it as well...the workplace was entirely normal and the rumors about them died as well.

Airee went home, exhausted from all the paperwork she had to deal with...the moment she stepped inside her living room, she saw a familiar figure sitting on her couch. she stared at his back...

"what is it, darling? you'll bore holes if you continue to stare at me intensely." She heard his usual calm and soft voice, followed by a chuckle...

She hates how easily he could change his mood while she couldn't get over everything yet. They didn't see each other for a month and his expression was always that calm and soft while she's having a rollercoaster ride of emotions...He looked around and smiled at her softly. The smile she always sees in him. A soft smile that hides a lot of meaning.

"what are you doing here, Dazai-san?"

"Hmmm? I miss you, sweetheart." He spoke as if he hasn't seen her in 10 years...his voice was unusually soft as if he's trying not to crack it. He's hiding his real feelings and she knows it.

She was about to say the words I don't miss you, go away. But somehow, she couldn't get them out of her throat. She just silently stared at him. Dazai smiled before he turned his back on her. She could feel loneliness and sadness radiating from him, looking at his back.

She unconsciously walked towards him and stopped just behind...

"can you talk to me? It's rare for you to stay'd usually shout at me angrily for coming here unannounced...and even if I did say I will come, you won't even bother opening the door for me..." he said, leaning against the couch, with his attention focused on the table.

Airee clenched her fist hearing his calm and soft voice but to her it sounded as if he's trying hard to hide the pain. She's wondering what happened to him during that month.

"... I will cook something. Will you eat here or just dash back to the port mafia?" Airee didn't know why she said them but those words came out. She saw how his body tensed. It seems that even he's shocked by her question.

"...crab..." He said.

"Alright. Luckily, I have some crab on the fridge. I will just change and I'll cook dinner." Airee said and she entered her room. When she did, she held her chest and closed her eyes.

'why did I do that?'

'Why am I so affected? We didn't see each other for a month and that's supposed to be moving on stage for me but...'


Both of them ate silently. Dazai was too focused on his food. It was her first time cooking for him, after all...She glances at him from time to time but he doesn't mind it...

" thank you..." he said after the meal...Airee looked at him and sighed...

He's really acting weird since earlier. He was usually majestic, excluding a very powerful and dangerous aura. But right now, he's no better than a kid who was scolded badly by their mother for stealing someone's candy. That's what he looked like to Airee at least.

"I don't know what's wrong with you but if you don't want to go back to the port mafia like that, you can stay here. But don't touch me." Dazai stiffened and he stared at her but she looked away.

" How about you? why won't you shout at me or push me out?"

" I don't know. Don't ask me...this is definitely weird. But whatever." Airee said and sighed. Dazai revealed a soft smile.

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