Chapter 6

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Airee met Sato on her way. Sato bowed to her and so did she then they walked past each other... The others just stared at them, wondering how professional they are.

During the dismissal, Airee and some of her coworkers went down and in the lobby, they saw Sato with a girl, smiling at each other. The girl was holding a paper bag and she handed it to Sato.

"oh, it seems that he's in a relationship already." one of them said... Airee sighed in relief, seeing that he's doing well.

They looked at Airee but they couldn't see any negative emotions in her. The new girlfriend of Sato is beautiful but she doesn't seem to be a rich girl. Sato and the girl glanced at them and Sato just stared at Airee. Meanwhile, the girl approached her.

"'s you." she said to Airee who stared at her. The girl had a smile plastered on her face.

"me?" Airee asked. Sato approached them as well.

"Yes... I heard Juno-kun courted you before?" they all stared at her and Sato widened his eyes.

"yes. What's the matter?" Airee asked.

"Ah, nothing. I just thought I had to thank you for turning him down. Because Juno-kun has everything a lady might be looking for." She smiled widely. This sounded as if she's mocking her and the others immediately noticed that.

"ah, Shizuku-chan please stop it already...let's go." Sato said and looked at them apologetically.

"I'm sorry about her..." He's about to pull her away but she speaks.

"why are you saying sorry? I mean just because she's rich she dumped you?! Does that even make sense?! You're the best guy. You're handsome and all." She exclaimed. Sato swallowed in humiliation while Airee was taken aback by her words.

Meanwhile, her coworkers furrowed their brows and stared at the girl...they're thinking why the hell was she making a scene here?

"Sato-san is really a good guy. But we're not for each other." Airee calmly answered.

"Of course. Juno-kun belongs to me already. So please don't bother us in the future okay? I mean who knows when you decided to approach him." She said as if accusing Airee of trying to steal him from her. Airee looked at her in disbelief.

"Don't worry. I have no intentions of doing that. I wish you the best." She said with a smile...They all looked at her but there's no sign of pain whatsoever from her words and expression. It looks sincere but the girl thinks otherwise.

"You're just lying, right? I understand it if you still like him since he's handsome. But he's already mine." She said with her brow raised...Compared to Airee's looks, she's inferior.

"what's wrong with you, lady?" Airee's coworker asked, crossing her arms.

"Nothing. I'm just making a boundary between us. I'm already Juno-kun's fiancee and I don't like other girls trying to hit on him. You look like someone who will seduce people." Their eyes widened hearing her...Sure Airee is very beautiful and alluring that guys are naturally attracted to her.

However, they all know how polite and nice she is to everyone. She dresses appropriately to the point they couldn't even see skin from her neck to her toes, except her hands and face...Mainly because Dazai's leaving a lot of marks on her.

Just before they could speak, they heard a voice.

"hmmm. I was wondering why you're late." they all glanced at the person who spoke...they saw 4 people. 2 of them were wearing black suits designed for bodyguards. One of them was wearing a closed black coat reaching below his knees, with tiger furs on its collar. His hair was ash gray and he's looking at them with serious eyes. Meanwhile, the person who talked was a man dressed in black coat. Under it was a black americana suit over a white long sleeve polo and a black necktie. A bandage was visible on his right eye area. He was walking in front of the three others, indicating that they must be his underlings.

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