Chapter 7

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She sat on her couch, facing the flat screen TV.

She wasn't watching or anything. The TV wasn't even turned on.

She was just there, staring at the black screen.

She looked at her phone. There's a message.

"Hi, darling. I'll stop by your apartment later, okay?" She bit her lips and decided to stand up. She immediately dressed herself into a red coat and wore her sandlas.

She has to get out immediately.

She grabbed her bag and car keys, running to her door. The moment she opened it, she froze, wide eyes staring at the same man who messaged her just a few minutes ago.

He's leaning against the wall in front of her door, arms crossed and he has a smirk.

"Now, where are you going, darling?" He asked her. She stepped back, trying to immediately close the door when he spoke.

"How cruel. You know I can just open it myself again, why bother closing it?" Her body tensed.

He stood up and approached her, pushing the door, enough to grant him entrance to her apartment.

Airee didn't say anything, knowing that he's fully aware of what she's trying to do. If there's anything, he was certain of whatever she'll do.

Dazai closed the door and glanced at her who just stared back at him. He still smiled gently at her.

"Can you brew some tea for me?" He quietly asked.

She tried to look for any change in his expression that would give hints about his intentions but she saw nothing. He just gently smiled at her.

"... Fine." She surrendered, giving up the option of running away again. She placed her bag on the table and proceeded to the kitchen where she tried to reach for the cabinet...

Dazai watched her struggle in trying to reach it. She's short.

She's about to use her ability when she feels someone behind her, reaching for it. She stayed silent waiting for him to get the tea out but when he did, he didn't step back. He embraced her from behind, leaning his chin on her shoulder, handing her the tea leaves.

"What now?" Airee asked. She was about to push him away when he spoke.



"Can you not be so cold to me?" He asked.

"Can you please stop this?"

"No... I wanna hug you."

"When will you get bored and find another woman instead of coming here?"

"Never. Besides, you're the only woman I'm interested in."

"Huh? Tell me, what are we?"


"You're joking."

"No..." She glanced at him and she was met by a peck on her lips. He stole a kiss again... After that, he gently smiled at her.

"Are you for real?"

"Yup. That's our label, darling... You're not my toy. So stop thinking you are." She silently stared at him. He spoke so softly and gently as if he's speaking to a baby... That's how he usually is towards her.

"... Dazai-san, is there something wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just don't like it when you push me towards other women."

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