Chapter 8

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"Hi, darling!" Dazai cheerfully greeted Airee who just went home.

"You're here again."

"Yup yup!!!" He said, meeting her with a kiss and hugs. She returned his hug before speaking.

"Alright, you can let go." He snickered, letting go.

That night, both of them slept together properly... And that same night, Airee woke up, hearing murmurs.

She glanced at Dazai who was sleeping beside her. Just as she saw before, he's sweating, brows furrowed.

He's having nightmares again. She turned to him and held his cheeks.

"Dazai-san." He won't wake up. He just kept on murmuring. She could hear her name again.

"Dazai-san." Still, nothing happened and she even heard him groan as if he's in pain.

"Osamu!!" She slightly shook him and when he regained his consciousness, she saw fear in his eyes.

"A-Airee..." He said as if he couldn't believe she's there. Airee stared at him, pulling him into a hug. She could feel his body trembling.

"What did you dream about?" She asked softly...

Dazai tightly embraced her.

"... I'm..." His voice cracked and he couldn't say what he was thinking.

Airee knows he's hiding whatever it is that's causing his nightmares... She wanted to know about it but looking at his terrible expression, she couldn't bear to force him...

"It's fine... I'm here." She just said. She knows he's afraid... Afraid of whatever it is that he dreamed of.


For the first time, she woke up with someone beside her.

She glanced at the port mafia boss who looked so peaceful in his sleep. She only sighed. Occasionally, she'd wake up from his murmurs and find him having nightmares, terrible enough to have him tremble from fear every time.

She was there to hug and calm him down, assuring that she's there with him.

She never thought she'd be witnessing him at his weakest...

She looked at her body in the mirror. Her shoulders were covered with his marks. She's about to stand up when she felt someone grab her wrist loosely. She glanced at the man beside her. His eyes were slightly open, looking at her seductively.

"Where are you going?"

"Shower." She answered, wondering what's wrong with him now.

"What time is it?" She glanced at her clock.

"6 in the morning."

"It's still early." He said and pulled her. She ended up on his chest as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Dazai-san. 6 isn't early already."

"It is... Just sleep with me." He turned to the side and she ended up beside him. She saw him close his eyes, leaning against her breasts, fluffy hair tickling her.

It's her day off, both of them knew it so it's really not an issue if she sleeps more.

When she woke up, he's still there. The only difference is that he's awake and watching her sleep.

"Good morning, darling." He greeted her with his soft and gentle tone.

"Hmmm." She just answered quietly and closed her eyes. Him greeting her in the morning was the first. A chuckle was heard before she felt her body in the air.

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