Chapter 10

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She stood up and then looked at her watch. It's been an hour since he left. And she's feeling that something's off about this. Her insides are twisting from nervousness and her heart won't calm down. She immediately went out and looked at the Port Mafia buildings...

She had a bad feeling about Dazai's last words so in the end, she flew there just to check what's going on...And her eyes widened when they saw Atsushi and Akutagawa on the rooftop. Akutagawa nearly killed Atsushi but he stopped. She went even closer to hear what they're talking about...

All of a sudden, there was hollow applause.

"Congratulations" Airee immediately searched for the voice. They could hear the uneven clapping and her eyes widened when she saw Dazai.

" Congratulations! Congratulations, you two. That was brilliant. That was just as good as your match on the ship, if not better." She doesn't understand what he's talking about but he quietly made his way over them.

" It appears the boy fueled by anger and revenge for the past four and a half years won." He walked with a faint smile.

" I've been training Atsushi for 4 and a half years, yet you beat him. It's hard to believe. Perhaps this is the power of the Armed detective agency. Sigh...this sure puts me in a tough spot." Dazai stopped beside Atsushi.

"Atsushi, you're fired." he said with no emotion whatsoever. Airee stared at him, wondering just what the hell is he doing? He was speaking softly then all of a sudden, he spoke dryly.

"...okay." Atsushi answered despite being bewildered by Dazai's words.

" From now on, I want you to live in the outside world. I've arranged for some acquaintances to take care of you. Now, go—to a world of light. Together with Kyouka."


" what are you plotting, man in black? You lured me here today using that letter and Gin. If you wanted to kill me, there were plenty of easier ways to do so. What are you after? What do those eyes see beyond this battle?" Akutagawa asked, getting himself into a fighting stance.

"beyond this battle? you've got it all wrong, Akutagawa." Dazai continued walking.

"It isn't just about today. This all started 4 and a half years ago. Ever since I took your sister from you, every factor was carefully planned for this moment. Training Atsushi, the Mafia's expansion—everything." their eyes widened.


"Are you familiar with the book?" Dazai suddenly asked but they just looked at him in confusion...

He started explaining about the book that would make whatever you write on it's page a reality...he told them about how it works and that they're currently living inside the book. They stared at him in astonishment. The scale was far too large for them to comprehend but Airee was just staring at Dazai...She already knew that he knows a lot of things...almost everything as if he had lived this life already...Then he spoke of how this world is just one of the infinite worlds inside the book. Then he spoke of the several organizations that will invade Yokohama to steal the book.

" How did you know that?" Akutagawa asked.

"because I'm a skill user who can nullify all skills. I used that trait to create a point of singularity, which forced the worlds' fragments to connect. After that, I successfully managed to read the memories of the me who exists outside the Book—that is to say, the original me." Airee stared at him in shock...

' the original Dazai?' She knows how eccentric he was but she didn't think he'd say these things. Moreover, he didn't look like he's joking...

Then he talked about the organizations that will come to steal the book. They must defeat every one of them and protect the book otherwise this world will be overwritten and cease to exist.

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