Chapter 1. Saccharine Smile hides a soul

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TW for like- average GE stuff, and magical boy violence 

Rudolph sneezed as the cold autumn air nips at his nose.

"Are you okay Rudolph?" Emilio asked him, his black hair passing over his purple eyes, Rudolph didn't have the energy to scowl at him

"I guess I'm fine...I'm just cold." "I see, well we're almost at your home so don't worry." Emilio's hand squeezed Rudolph's

"I don't see why you're going through all of this effort for me.." Rudolph looked at Emilio "I'm going through this effort for Tobias. He wanted me to make sure you were safe." "Right, of course..." Rudolph sighed thinking about his friend.

When Rudolph first met Tobias, he immediately felt something off about him. He didn't really understand the off feeling he got; he still doesn't. Maybe Rudolph was just lonely, desperate for a friend. Tobias just had this strange aura. It drew Rudolph to Tobias; he couldn't even control his body whenever he approached him. It reminded him of that evil spirit he encountered so long ago.

When he was 12 he was running around in the woods back at home in Denmark picking flowers, skipping stones on water, climbing trees and exploring. He had been having an overall good time until he saw a strange bright pink light inside the bushes. "'s so-"

his hand brushed the bushes out of the way where he saw a strange pink flower,

"-so pretty."

He picked up the flower and inspected it. However he was shocked to see it wasn't a flower; it was millions of tiny beating hearts creating a flower shape.

"Gross... and really weird," he mumbled, trying to keep the mild fear out of his voice. He ended up touching the center of the flower, he was wasn't slimy to his surprise, it felt like glass if anything and nothing seemed to happen when he touched it... but then like in some sort of episode from those magical girl shows his dad secretly watched ,suddenly the "flower" fused with his hand.

"WHAT THE- AAAA!! WHAT THE HELL!?" He screamed as he stared at the..realistic heart shaped marking on his hand. He tried to shake it off but instead of it coming off like he had hoped it instead caused a bright pink flash to appear from the marking.

And suddenly Rudolph found himself floating in a pink void with only a strange man in front of him.

"Hello there child, I see you've found my item." The man smiled gently; it was sweet, saccharine.

"Where am I!? Who are you!?" Rudolph asked, panicking, wondering if he was having a dream or had accidentally drank his mom's red juice that he wasn't allowed to try

"Fear not child. See, the world has been re-invaded by evil spirits living in hiding. Long ago evil spirits terrorized humans forcing them to live in hiding until one day, a witch appeared. She created six items like the one you picked up, which was mine. It became our job to force the spirits into hiding. And now that the spirits have returned it's your job." "WHAT!? BUT- BUT- BUT I'M TWELVE! I'M NOT..." "wow this really is just like in those shows dad secretly watches.." Rudolph couldn't help but think to himself to try and make the situation less scary than it actually was for the 12 year old

"You are ready, child. Trust me." The man said, patting him on the shoulder as Rudolph blinked incredulously, was this man serious?


"You will understand in time. For now just know that to transform you need only say "pure trance" then the rest will explain itself."

"WHAT BUT-" Rudolph had protested and then he was back in the woods, the mark still stuck to his hand.

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