Mr. Red (Taegyu)

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Summary: The cute boy, Kang Taehyun, isn't interested in love. But Mr. Red exists.

It's no surprise that everyone loves Taehyun, it's no surprise when multiple people confess their dying love to him every Friday. The boy unsurprisingly turns down every single person.

Another Friday, more confessions. Taehyun sighed as he continued to walk down the hallways to meet with his friends "I wonder how many will confess today" Hueningkai snorted as Soobin swung his arm around him "Leave him alone, rejecting all of them isn't easy" the tall boy said but he couldn't help but chuckle.

Taehyun rolled his eyes as his friends continued to laugh at the fact he struggles every time someone confesses "It's not even the fact they confess anymore, the same people that I have already rejected come back again and again" the silver haired boy said tempted to just smash his head on the wall.

Hueningkai patted his shoulder "It's a sign to settle down already" then he snorted at his own joke along with Soobin. Taehyun slumped against the wall "Please Taehyun it's best to just accept one confession instead of waiting for Mr. Red over there" Soobin said his head tilted to the boy Taehyun has liked for many years.

Choi Beomgyu, also known as Mr. Red in Taehyun's friend group since his hair is a dark red color.

"Mr. Red will never confess to you, Soobin hyung's right just accept someone's confession and learn to like them" Huening said next as he put his arm around the now sad boy's shoulder. The silver haired boy sighed "I'll admit the fact that he'll never like me back, but I wanna talk to him at least once!" he exclaimed throwing his hands up and in the process hitting Huening in the face, the boy quickly apologized multiple times while Huening holds his nose in pain and Soobin laughing, and people are watching.

"Okay but didn't you talk to him when you first met him and fell in love at first sight?" Huening asked to change the subject. Taehyun pouted "Technically, Taehyun spilled his coffee on Mr. Red and he was the one that apologized even though Taehyun was at fault, but then Mr. Red left" the blond boy said holding in his laugh. The youngest was in awe "I never knew the whole story but that's called Taehyun's stupid"

Taehyun groaned as the moment replayed in his mind "It was an accident" he mumbled "How did you not see him? You said there was a whole crowd following him" Soobin raised an eyebrow. The silver head's shoulders dropped signaling the teasing must stop.

Hueningkai gave him a side hug and pulled him to walk their third class "One day he'll confess to you, don't lose hope" he whispered trying to comfort him, but he didn't that he made Taehyun want to give up everything and die.

During lunch Taehyun wanted nothing more than to be the one who's feeding Beomgyu, Yeonjun, his boyfriend, was feeding him all cute and all. It irritated Taehyun that he can't be Mr. Red's one and only.

"Just let me know when y'all gonna murder so I can leave as soon as possible" Hueningkai said looking at Taehyun and Soobin who are both glaring at Beomgyu and Yeonjun "I'll kill Mr. Red" the blond said as he stabbed his apple with a plastic knife. Taehyun snapped out of his trance and glared at his friend "He didn't do shit, Yeonjun's the one who's being a bitch" the friends gasped.

"How dare you call Yeonjun a bitch!" Soobin shouted as he stood up, gaining some attention. Hueningkai got up and clapped his hands "Okay let's not yell an-" "Sit down" Taehyun and Soobin said pointing at the chair, the youngest male nodded and sat down "You can't even admit that you like some snobby bitch" Taehyun said shrugging "You don't get say shit because you're drooling over someone who doesn't know you exist" Soobin snapped back then gasped, oh shit.

Taehyun narrowed his eyes "I get that I like a guy that won't ever look my way, but that doesn't give you the right to say that" he growled lowly, Hueningkai shook his head "Both of you don't have the right to say anything because, if Mr. Red and Cotton Candy Head are dating that's their deal. Y'all shouldn't fight over two guys, you deserve better" the boy ended his sentence with a proud smile.

Taehyun and Soobin scoffed with a small smile "Yeah sure whatever" Taehyun said as he sat down and put his head on the table "We just embarrassed ourselves over nothing, we didn't even fight or anything" Soobin grumbled sliding back on his seat.

Five tables from that table two boys stayed in confusion yet in satisfaction with the new information provided.

At the end of the day Taehyun dragged his feet on the concrete with rejecting 3 new people and 24 people he has already rejected before but they don't get the hint. Too caught up being annoyed at those dumb people he didn't notice someone calling and jogging after him "Hey Kang wait up!"




Taehyun turned around so fast he lost his balance, but lucky the male who called his name grabbed him by the waist.

Sue Kang Taehyun for wanting this fairy tale like scene with Mr. Red for years, and it's not like he fell or accidentally kicked his leg which made them fall, Taehyun on top of Beomgyu, yeah nope that totally didn't happen.

It's not like Taehyun is screaming and dying inside but is paralyzed as he watches Beomgyu just blink at him "Are you okay? You're not hurt right?" Beomgyu asks still holding onto Taehyun's waist, the silver head only shook his head "No you're not okay or no you're not hurt?"

Taehyun whimpered as he covered his face "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Beomgyu removed his hands and cupped the younger male's face "You didn't hurt me" he mumbled.

Taehyun quickly fumbled to get off the other's lap and stood up, the red head smiled and got up "I wanted to talk to you about something I overheard" the older started, the young male stiffed, he heard me call his boyfriend a bitch.

"First things first, Cotton Candy Head isn't my boyfriend, he's my best friend and he likes your tall friend Soobin" Beomgyu said with a teasing smile when he saw Taehyun's mouth fell open at the nickname "Y-You, uh, I-I can explain"

Beomgyu laughed "So it is true" the hummed in satisfaction. Taehyun's heart dropped at the next words the other said "I'm Mr. Red and you have a crush me" Beomgyu's smile dropped when he saw Taehyun's eyes water.

"I like you too!"

Beomgyu cleared his throat "I mean, you don't have to worry about me being you know, rude. I've liked you since before you spilled your very hot coffee over me" Taehyun was still processing the information "Wait what, you like me? Me the guy who's like, weird?" The red head chuckled as he stepped closer to the young male "Weird or not, you stole my heart being you, Kang Taehyun"

Beomgyu brushed off some hair from the boy's face "So do you accept my confession my one and only?" Taehyun blinked multiple times before he pouted "I know everything when it comes to you" the older said as he booped the other's nose.

"Or I may or may have not blackmailed Hueningkai to tell me everything you think and say about me to finally have the courage to confess" Taehyun giggled at that confession "I like that better"

The silver head look into the older's eyes and smiled "So where are we going for our first date?"

Author's note-
I have a problem making everything last longer, but anyway this is a two parter so enjoy the cliffhanger. Edit: Never mind I decided to complete this in one chapter

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