First Day......

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Mully's POV:
I stepped off the yellow shool bus, the first iv'e ever been on since they don't really use that color type here. I walked to see the massive highschool infront of me, i looked up at it taking in how big it was, it was alot bigger than my previous schools i've been to, i mean ALOT bigger. I walked towards the rather large entrance and stepped foot inside the school. It was filled with the usual couples kissing in the hallway and the teachers going in their rooms. "Hello! Are you new?" I heard a voice ask. I turnt around to see i was face to face with 3 boys. "Yeah."I replied blankly. "My names Grant, and the one on the left of me is Eddie and on the right is Gaege!" He informed me politley. "Nice names, My names William but call me Mully, it's a preffered name." I said back. "Alright then, friends?" They all asked, holding their hands out infront of me waiting for me to shake them. "Sure."I confirmed, i shook all their hands then they started walking, i followed behind them. "By the way our maths teacher Mr.Greenwood is a total bitch." Eddie informed me.Great. "How so?"I asked. "You'll see..."He said. We turnt a corner and saw yet another couple kissing, there was a girl with brunette hair wearing a short skirt and a crop top, surprisingly she hasn't been dress coded but most schools have different dress codes. The boy was wearing a white and light brown baseball jacket with white jeans, he also had an earing in one ear and had short brown hair with crystal blue eyes. I don't know what it was but he sort of stood out to me, he looked......cute? "Mully? You alright there dude?"Gaege asked. "Oh yeah."I replied. "Wondering who that boy is?"Grant said. "No, he just looks different than the others for some reason."I replied. "He is different that's why, he's a.... what do you call it....Oh! a player, that girl you see him with right there, well the next time you see him he'll be with a different girl, he's not very nice to other people, and us, we used to be friends but...."He stopped talking. "Anyways!Let's get to class, right through here Mully!"Juicy said. I walked through the class and saw the teacher standing at the front. He looked like he was in his mid 30's, looks really moody though. "Ahem!Homework boys, where is it?"He stopped us all at the door. "Didn't do it."Eddie replied "Oh, so now your lazy to not only, shut up, but also to do your homework?"The teacher overexaggerated. He is a right dick already.Nice. First day here, and the very first lesson i have a dick of a teacher, this will be fun.... Eddie muttered words under his breath, i think he was speaking spanish, i think they mentioned him being mexican or something. "Wheres your Grant."I did it sir." He handed him his homework. "Nice to see someone actually listens to me."He bragged. "Oh, i don't care about it sir, but i did it so i don't have to put up with your old ass moaning at me."Grant roasted him hard. "OI! language and you, Eddie and Gaege have detention!" He shouted. "But sir, you haven't asked me for homework yet!"Gaege complained. "Well, i don't have to, you never do it."He replied. He sat down leaving me at the front. "Hm, you sir, guessing your new, sit there, next to Joshua.......oh right not here on time yet again."He moaned. He pointed at where he wanted me to sit. I was at the back of the class in the right corner. Ten minutes into the lesson, i saw the door to the classroom door open. The teacher turnt his head to see a student walking throught he door blowing bubbles from his bubblegum. "Oh, and where have you been Joshua?" "first of all, it's Josh, second of all i was fucking your mum!"The boy i saw from the hall earlier said. Everyone burst out laughing. "DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL FOR AN HOUR!"The teacher shouted really loudly, "Okay!"He agreed. The bo sat next to me and got his equipment out of his bag. He turnt around and looked at me. "Ay, what's your name?"He asked. "William, but call me Mully."I replied politley. "Cool, my names Joshua but call me Josh."He informed me. "We can be friends if you want."He told me. "Sure"I replied. I looked around the classroom to see Eddie looking at me, he mouthed soemthing then threw a paper ball at me, I'm guessing it was a note. I opened it up and it said "This teachers a total bitch." In capitals. I wrote back saying "I cant tell, I want to punch him already!" I threw it back, but of course, the grumpy ass teacher caught me. "What was that you just threw at Eddie Mr........" he paused waiting for my name. "The names Mully, and unless your blind it was a paper ball."I got cocky, massive mistake. He walked over and picked up the paper ball and looked in it and saw what i said. Suddenly, his face turnt bright red. "DETENTION FOR YOU ASWELL MULLY! FIRST DAY AND YOU'VE ALREADY GOT A DETENTION!" He screamed. I giggled and so did Josh. His laugh made me feel weird, what in the world is this feeling. "I would've never thought of you as a "Bad Boy" you know." He spoke to me. "Well, never judge a book by it's cover."I replied.......

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