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Beomgyu and Taehyun, two best friends both majoring in philosophy and living together in a dorm not too far away from campus.

Beomgyu was initially only taking the major to be close to his friend, but he soon discovered that he actually enjoyed the subject and found himself putting in more effort in his studies than usual.

They were currently sitting somewhere in the middle of the auditorium, listening to their professor explain the next assignment. Beomgyu had his eyes focused on the powerpoint displaying in front of him when he felt an elbow nudge his side.

"Didn't we already get this exact assignment last semester?" Taehyun asked, slowly turning his head to look at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked back, humming in agreement. As Taehyun's attention went back to the powerpoint, the other kept his gaze on him.

He found himself drawn to his best friend, in every way possible. Beomgyu wanted to be close to him, talk to him, and just be near him. Everytime he was around Taehyun, his heart raced a little faster and his face lit up.

He had never truly felt this way about anyone before, but he knew it was something special. Whenever they were together, Beomgyu couldn't help but feel like he belonged with Taehyun, like they were meant to be together.

But despite how much he liked him, Beomgyu had no idea how to tell him. He wasn't sure if Taehyun would even feel the same way or if he'd be scared off by Beomgyu's feelings.

So instead of expressing his feelings, Beomgyu kept them hidden and let himself bask in the presence of the one person who made him feel so alive.

Because to Beomgyu, Taehyun was more than perfect. He had the biggest smile, the prettiest eyes, the kindest personality, the perfect features, everything about him was just right.

Taehyun closing his laptop and packing his bag made Beomgyu turn his head away, how long had he been staring?

"Beom? Aren't you gonna pack too?" Taehyun asked, standing up, waiting for his friend to get ready. "Yes, just a second, i'll be right behind you" Beomgyu hastily gathered his items, following his roomie out the auditorium.

Beomgyu and Taehyun were walking back to their dorm in comfortable silence. Neither of them felt the need to fill the air with words, content simply to enjoy each other's company. It was a familiar feeling for them both - one that brought a sense of peace and comfort.

As they rounded the corner and came into view of their building, Taehyun stopped. He looked up at the sky and sighed contentedly. "It's so nice to be able to just relax like this after school" he said softly, turning to look at his friend with a smile on his face.

Beomgyu returned the smile. He swore you could hear his heart beating from a mile away because of the way Taehyun looked at him.

It was always like this, all Taehyun had to do was just breathe in Beomgyu's direction and his heart would nearly jump out of his chest.

They entered the dorm room, heading towards their own rooms and putting away their stuff for the day.

"Hey, I'm gonna go make something to eat. You want anything?" Taehyun asked, entering Beomgyu's room.

"No, I'm good for now. I want to finish that assignment, again" he answered. Taehyun chuckled, remembering how Beomgyu struggeled with the same assignment last time.

Taehyun nodded and headed off to the kitchen while Beomgyu put on his headphones and started typing away at his laptop. He soon got into a groove as he focused on his work.

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