Chapter 1(The wedding)

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Becky's pov

Today is my wedding day getting married is a dream of many girls and so is mine i planned on getting married to someone i love or atleast i know for a long time but here i am in my wedding gown getting married to a stranger but that stranger happen to be my idol and childhood crush

Honey you look so beautiful - Mom

Mom don't cry now i have put on my makeup i don't want to cry seeing you like this is gonna make me cry - Becky

I am just so happy for you honey you are getting married today and to a very nice person you know that right it is the right thing - Mom

I nod

Woah babe you look amazing i think your wife is gonna faint for sure - Lily ( My best friend)

Thank you lily i love you - beck

Love you too babe - lily

Girls i think is enough its time for wedding they are calling for the bride - Dad

While walking through the aile i have a wave of thought are we gonna live happily or not , she will like me for not , will we talk share and eat together or not i was in a storm of thoughts then my eyes meet my wife who is definition of beauty , confidence and elegance she was looking deep into my eyes but nor with the feeling of affection it was like when this all will me over that really pissed me off even if she doesn't want to be here she should smile for the sake of the guest but its not like she cares anyway

I eventually stood next to her my eyes were on her but her attention was not on mine i guess this is how things will happen from now on i will put efforts to work out our relationship but she will not reciprocate ....

We exchanged our vows which is written by some writer my soon to be wife knows she send me those by text

the priest was going to announce us wife and wife but she suddenly wanted to add an vow which i didn't knew about

I will always treat you with respect and dignity only - Freen

This was such a sweet line everybody starts to clap loud but i knew what it actually meant it means don't expect anything from me you are my wife on paper and will only be on paper but it felt bitter but sweet i am happy to have atleast her respect ...

That all she said looking straight into my eyes that's how i got married to my idol and all that happen we look pictures in which i was smiling and she has a weird expression on which i don't know i was happy to be her wife and that's all i know atleast for now .She was smiling for the camera and only i can see it but yet it is so beautiful

She was smiling for the camera and only i can see it but yet it is so beautiful

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Freen' s pov --

Today at wedding i eyes were on her the whole time she looked breathtaking so beautiful that i just can't take my eyes off her she was smiling giggling and enjoying her time this marriage is nothing but a deal for us and she will never know that she is the only one who can make me smile my brightest star in my world ,
My only teerak ( thai word for sweetheart)
I am eagerly waiting for the wedding life with my little wife who i am going to annoy as hell

Cold CEO and her wife |FreenBecky| Cold CEO Girl×GirlWhere stories live. Discover now