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Oh my world, can you ever dress on time in this life? I have been waiting for you, for over an hour now, hurry please, in fact we are already late and you know how I feel about going late to a place, I just wished I left earlier and you meet me there, and what if we reach, and the party is over tiffany, oh no don't want to even think it, so you know am done waiting for you ever again,

Calm down darling, we are not late and hello it's a party till dawn, so what are you saying girlfriend, we are still going to make it on time, beside you know the girl have to look hot especially for my man, can't be caught unfresh please so chill for me violet I'm almost done, just help request for the cab and before he arrives I will be done.

Ok then, boss, as you wish, I will just be out here in the sitting room. At least let me be watching my favourite TV show before the driver arrives.

Tifanny, Tifanny, let's go. The driver is here, oh my, you look so beautiful, Tee, hahaha yea I know, right? Before I forget Violet, do you remember the guy I told you about? What guy tee? I do remember you mention Xavier is coming to the party also and also coming with his friend, what's that his name again? Glen, right?

Yea, that one, but what I did not tell you so you won't freak out is that Glen is coming just for you. In fact, they are already at the venue as we speak, girl.... Vee, that guy is so fine, so please don't mess it all up, I know what you can do.

But tee that's not fair at all you could have mentioned so I will at least make up and honestly this is not a good idea because you know Charlie is going to be there, Violet don't even go there, dont make me angry that guy dumped you for a low life and you are still here talking about him, please spare me. Take this red lipstick please and apply it will make your face pop, and hey you are beautiful even without the makeup but please as we enter now don't ever mention Charlie just try forget him and have fun ok. He had his chance, and he blew it. Enough about him. let's have fun...

Tifanny over here babe, you looking stunning? Wow, all this for me? Turn around, let me see. You killed it as usual, I'm so happy to see you. Hi Violet, you look amazing yourself. You girls really meant business tonight. I love it cause you are making us feel proud being with the hottest girls in the building, Where are my manners? Glen meet Tifanny and violet, you girls are looking beautiful I must confess nice to finally meet you, so what do you care for ladies, let's do tequila shots or what do you think, yea its fine let do it. Waiter please can I get 5 rounds of tequila shots for all of us please, ehm Tee can you please tell Xavier it's too much for me I can't take more than two, no my dear Vee, it's the weekend no work tomorrow so you are definitely doing this, remember we have plan this weekend for long. What's wrong babe, violet is saying she can't take more than two shots, ok you know what we won't take it at ones, since its already here let's take two dance and take the rest later, ok everyone glass up lets toast to happy friendship.

Violet, are you ok? I'm great Glen thanks, can I have a dance please? Yes, why not, ok after you then. Tifanny, do you think Violet will like Glen? Because the guy is really into her, he is in love with her babe, wow I really don't know but maybe, it's just that she is passing through a lot ever since her breakup with Charlie, she really loved him and he did what he did to her, just look at him over there having fun and my girlfriend is in pains, I just hope she forget about him real soon. I'm actually so happy Glen came today. At least she won't focus on thinking about that douchebag, I hope she likes Glen, though. He seems nice and calm, just the kind of guy's she likes.

So enough of violet and Glen let's talk about us my love and how much I've missed you, I've missed you too my love. Look babe, what's happening there, I can see Charlie over there lets go, what is happening here violet, I'm so sorry Xavier, Charlie just came up to us and started punching Glen just because he told me he want to speak with me and I said no, so we started arguing and Glen was like can't you see she's with someone? Xavier, can we just go to the hospital? No violet where's is the Charlie I want to see him, babe the bouncers took him away, please Glen is in pains let's just go I'm sure they will deal with him, ok fine lets go. Thank you, doctor. I really appreciate you. I will give you a call if anything comes up. We will be on our way now. Bye.

Guys I'm sorry we couldn't get all the fun we wanted because of me, but I promise I will make it up, speaking of that why don't we NETFLIX there is popcorn and drinks and you two can sleep over we have a guest room right Tee? Yea sure babe please stay over, which will also give violet enough time to take care of Glen beside it's the weekend, Glen what do you think about what the girls are proposing, yea I'm game wouldn't mind staying some more with pretty violet. Babe lets go get some pyjamas for you two, this is a ladies house remember and we don't have men's clothes, alright the two of us should go and leave these two love birds alone, wonderful Idea you guys should stay safe we will be back shortly and take care of my friend will you? Bye.

Glen, hey, I'm deeply sorry for what Charlie did to you today. Please forgive me. It's all good Violet, I can take anything for you, but please can I ask you something? Yes, shoot, ok, do you still love him? No I don't, it's just that you know it's just very hard getting over him just like that, we dated for so long and if I tell you I don't think of him I lie, but will not want to get back with him. Ok good to know cause I really care about you violet deeply, in fact I'm in love with you violet, loved you since the first time I saw you when you came to visit Xavier together with Tifanny, and will love if you will give me the chance to prove that to you, but Glen I really don't know cause I'm fed up don't want to ever experience this kind of pain ever again, hey look at me I promise not to hurt you, just give me a chance violet and if at any point you feel you are not satisfied let me know and will let you be pretty please?? Ok, but Glen please I don't want to get hurt, you won't I promise violet, alright then I hear you, so is that a yes please say it, yes Glen I will love to go out with you, wow I'm the most happiest man alive today thank you and promise you won't regret it, its ok calm down you know you need a lot of rest because of your head, so relax boyfriend.

Hey people, we are back. How are you two doing, and Glen, I hope Violet took good care of you in our absence? Yes, she did Tifanny, and for your information, she is now officially my girlfriend. No, Glen, did you have to tell them? Yes, I had to can't keep such great news just to myself. Indeed, the news, we are short of words, just extremely happy for you two. At least Glen will let me have my peace and not call me minute by minute asking about Miss Violet. Congrats guys this calls for a toast, get the wine babe let's celebrate these two, right on it and Vee select the movie before I come with the drink, ok Tee don't forget the popcorn too.

The drink is here so what movie are we watching, chose this 'coffee and kareem' looks interesting and it's kind of a comedy too, nice go sit close to your boyfriend, yes ma'am, I so enjoyed this movie violet lovely choice had doubt about it before, yea thanks Xavier, time for bed, Glen let me show you to your room, I'm sure Tee will come up with Xavier when they are ready, goodnight Tifanny and guy see you when you come up, night Glen. This is where you will sleep, sorry the room is not all glam and tidy we don't usually have visitors that sleep over, its perfect thank you for having us today I really had fun, even though I got punched on the face hahaha, yea I'm sorry about that one's more, hey just joking so good night my violet make sure you sleep like a baby, you too Glen I mean not the baby part but sleep well bye.

Morning sleeping beauty, morning everyone looks like am the late comer and wow you guys made breakfast already, looks inviting, yes we did no babe actually Glen did for his love, good morning violet please come and sit thank you Glen and morning to you too, hope your head doesn't hurt much, no darling im great let's eat everyone before it gets cold.

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