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As a gentle wind blows through the trees, birds chirp on the branches,

I listen to the music of nature and inhale the freshness of the air , as i exhale I close my eyes and lay down in the soft deep blades of the grass and feel the moist soil beneath it.,

Small flowers climbing up my face, and butterflys landing on my fingers, It tickes as it crawls across my arm and I laugh, when I laugh the butterfly's and bird's fly into the the cloudless sky, and squirells chasing each other up and down the trees.

I look up and it starts to drizzle, and a water drop lands on my cheek , and I start to smile

The rain passes and it seems that once again it was a beautiful cloudless sky, and i see a faint rainbow with the most beautiful colors and is stretched far and wide across the vast blue sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2013 ⏰

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