Forced Acceptance

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I was sitting at my friend's house:Girl! You really need to stop avoiding him!

Emi has been my friend since high school:You know why I can't love him back, Emi.

The room fell dead silent as Hizashi walked in:Hi, Marie. I need to talk to you later, alone.

Emi bumps my arm as he goes and talks to some of his friends:He's gonna rape you, just as a warning.

I felt fear wash over me as I caught him staring me down:No, that cannot happen!

Emi could see the fear in my eyes:If you leave, you know he'll follow you, right?

I grabbed my phone and snuck out:*Sorry about leaving, did he notice?*

Emi texts me back:*Yeah and he's pissed off.*

I noticed his car was behind mine:Shit! That was quick!

Hizashi and I have been wanting each other for years now:*Where are you going, Marie?*

I texted him back with shaky hands:*None of your business, now go back to the party.*

Hizashi messaged me again:*Your my business and the party is in my pants.*

I started freak out over this:*Don't follow me! I don't want you!*

Hizashi licked his lips as he messaged again:*I'll follow you anywhere you go, your right! I don't want you either! I need you, Marie!*

I pulled up to my house and got out of my car as he got out of his:Don't follow me!

Hizashi wasn't listening to me anymore:You will be mine tonight!

I quickly unlocked my door but when I tried to close it, he put his foot in the doorway:No freaking way.

Hizashi was pushing in on the door as I tried to close it:Why do you hate me so much? I've only been nice to you and been your shoulder to cry on all these years.

I shook my head as I kept on trying:I know that you were so nice to me and that's why we just can't be together!

Hizashi forced the door open as I ran for my bedroom:Don't run away! Marie!

I heard him close and lock my front door:Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Hizashi was walking towards my bedroom while he was looking at pictures on my walls:No boyfriend ever? I'll be your first and last.

I was hiding under my blanket as he slowly opened my bedroom door:Come out, come out wherever you are! I will find you and I will fuck you!

Hizashi seen my blanket move slightly so he ripped it off me:Stay back!

I had tears rolling down my cheeks as I was throwing punches but he caught all of them:Marie? Why are you crying?

Hizashi pinned me down and started feeling me up:So soft, feels so good.

I kept on guarding my face:Please, stop! I've never kissed anyone before!

Hizashi grabbed both of my wrists with one hand and then he grabbed my chin with his other free hand:Even better! I'll be the one to take you, in so many different ways.

I was shaking as his lips crashed onto mine but when he poked his tongue at my bottom lip, I pulled away:Not that!

Hizashi forced my mouth open:Don't tell me!

I felt myself becoming hotter every second:Hizashi, please stop.

Hizashi ignored me as he pulled down my shorts:Lace panties? Very sexy, Marie.

I covered my pussy as he pulled down my underwear:Don't look at me!

Hizashi licked his lips as he forced my legs open slowly:That's not possible, Baby.

I tried to cover his eyes but he just grabbed my hand and licked it:We can't do this!

Hizashi looked down at me:Looks so good, such a pretty pussy.

I kept on trying to stop him but he just started licking and sucking on my pussy:No! You can't!

Hizashi taps my thigh with one finger and I squeaked at his facial expression:Yes! I can and I will take you!

After a few minutes of him eating me out, he comes up and unzips his pants:No condom, Baby.

I felt a pit in my stomach as he pulled down his silky boxers:Please, don't. I'm begging you.

Hizashi popped open a bottle of lube and squirted some onto his hands:It's too late to turn back now, I'm gonna deflower you now and make you mine.

I was shaking like a leaf as he pressed against me and started rubbing on me slowly:Hizashi, stop.

Hizashi saw the fear in my eyes as he lifted up my legs:Don't look so scared, like I'm gonna hurt you because I'm not.

I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he just leaned in:Ow! Stop!

Hizashi wanted to take this slower but he forced the rest of his dick inside until he was balls deep:Fuck, Baby.

I wanted to scream but he covered my mouth and started slamming into me:You fucking like that!? Take my cock!

Hizashi felt me crying against his hand but he was too lost in the sex:Your pussy is twitching so much, Baby.

I felt so defeated as he pounded me but then he flipped me over and over onto my knees:Stop, Hizashi.

Hizashi leaned down and got right in my ear:Gonna cum in you, Baby.

I managed to slip away and ran for it:Marie! Wait!

Hizashi chased after me and he caught up to me quickly:Get back here! We're not done making love!

I ducked into my bathroom, thinking that it would save me but he just forced me against the sink and lift one of my legs onto the sink as he slipped back in:Don't cum inside, Hizashi!

Hizashi was on the edge as he grabbed a fist full of my hair and made me look into the mirror:Watch me impregnate you, Baby.

My legs were so shakey as he released his load deep inside me:Fuck! Ngh!

Hizashi kissed the back of my head as he scooped me up bridal style:I love you, Marie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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