I. family matters

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12 years ago

"The kids" I heard my mama scream and weep, she was holding a figure calling my older brother's name to come to us, take us inside. Anthony stood up approaching us, I could see his face being lost, teary. He signed us to get back in and he followed suit. I wanted to argue and simply walk out and see my mama and papa, she was a month before the one of labor.

Benedict and I assisted Anthony to take the four youngsters inside. Fran and Eloise didn't seem to understand what exactly was taking place while Daphne and Colin protested to go see papa… to see if he was alright. Dear God… I couldn't even wrap myself around what happened.

We were at the hall as baby Gregory began to cry. As if he knew what had just occurred before their very own eyes. My gaze met Benedict's as I had El and Fran on either side of me holding them close, squeezing their hands so tightly the both protested. Anthony was at the window of the door seeing the personnel of the household gathered around our parents suddenly his gaze turned at me. I could feel my eyes stung with threatening tears. He hid it well.

"Eva" he spoke my name. "Go and ease down the baby." He told me and I nodded.

"Collin, Daphne come, would you please keep an eye on Eloise and Francesca" I suggested knowing that both my older brothers would be grateful that I took the kids to another room, to keep them occupied and far from the front yard. Collin protested, eventually he did as he was told, making our younger sisters laugh with small pranks as me and Daphne approached the crib. I held my infant brother and rocked him softly, murmuring a small lullaby.

"Can I hold him?" Daphne asked, touching my shoulder, she was four years younger but she was almost the same height as me. I nodded.

"Daphne can you please keep everyone here…?" I asked her as I carefully rested Gregory's small figure in her arms.

"Yes… I shall do my best" she smiled at me, she has the brightest smile, hopefully she would keep smiling.

"Good, I will be right back" I assured her and once I opened the door I raced down stairs to see a crowd in the hall, the doors wide open. "Where are my parents!?" I asked the first servant I saw.

"Um, in the room upstairs… lady Evangeline perhaps you should expect your brother's request…" She advised me and I shook my head.

"No,no you should go to the kids, they are at the nursery…" I ignored her saying and just requested the safety of my younger siblings as I walked back upstairs. I knocked on the door of my parents' room and Anthony opened the door. He simply stared at me, the well composed expression he was maintaining successfully while we were down stairs, was starting to break.

"What are you doing here,I thought I was perfectly clear…" he demanded I leave but before he could finish his words I interrupted.

"Is he alright? Is father well?" I asked him my blue eyes looking up to his, that was the moment I heard our mom's sob, I pressed my palm to his chest pushing him further inside. He banged the door behind us, I saw Benedict there as well. My mom was hovering over my father's figure, he was motionless. I moved to approach but Anthony held my wrist pulling me to the corner where he and Benedict were standing. "He can't be…" I whispered to Anthony who didn't reply, I just felt Benedict's embrace. I took a deep breath and returned the embrace.


I don't know how much time passed, I don't know when Benedict took me to the library, I don't know how much I cried, what time it was or if I had just lived a dream. Not a dream, a nightmare. I blinked my eyes open, my surroundings slowly unfolding from a blurry vertigo into reality. "Benedict?" I asked as he was sitting beside me with a book in hand.

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