Chapter Twenty

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Veronica sat on the longue couch with the others sitting or standing near, Lance was sitting with Keith next to him.

"So, what would you like me to explain first?" She asked "How... How are you here?" Lance asked "....... I'm not an illusion, I'm real I promise. I've never lied to you a promise, have I?" She asked gently and Lance shook his head, she never lied to him on her promises. "Okay, I guess I'll ask. How are you out here? Were you kidnapped by the Galra?" Keith asked "No and yes in a way" she responded nonchalantly "what do you mean?" Veronica's lips thinned "In the past there was an event that led to where I am now. I haven't seen Lance for a long time and he hasn't seen me during that time either" Lance wanted answers "At the time, I was in a state of confusion and wanted to set things right and return to the one I loved the most. Lance. It didn't occur to me at the time that I would be in space nor end up staying out here and finding him" Hunk looked to Lance who looked as if answers were the only thing that would solve mystery questions he's had.

"So do you work for the Galra?" Veronica shook her head "No. I work for the rebellion, we fight against the Galra and I was gathering information on one of my friends" Pidge asked her question this time "Do you know or have you seen anyone named Matt?" She asked hopeful "I do. He was the one I was gathering information on" Pidge's hope lighten up "Do you know where he is?" Veronica looked unsure "At the moment, no. He's been offline for awhile so I've been trying to get into contact with him which is when you guys found me" She said "Also, I'm sure your aware of someone who is targeting Lance?" The paladins grew a scowl and Lance flinched "I need all of you to keep him away from Lance, it's bad enough he's out here in wide open space and I don't want him near Lance again" Veronica said sternly "He's not getting Pidge or Lance again, over my dead body" Veronica's eyes traveled to Pidge "I have a feeling you were about to experience something you should never have" She stated "I didn't let him" Lance said "But he did it to you instead and you were in a pod for four days" Lance sighed "He what! God damn it!" Veronica balled her fists, her knuckles turning white while her teeth were clenched.

"If he touches this adorable Neko of a boy again I'm going to commit murder" she growled "You knew?" Hunk asked "I did. It's why I call him kitten, he was like a kitten when he was a baby and that nickname I made for him stuck. Honestly I was the only one who saw past of what he looked like and treated him equally" she said as Lance nodded.

"Vivi... I need to know, how, how are you here?" Lance asked he needed to know "which one?" She asked knowing which he was referring too "you know the exact one I'm talking about, I watched it with my own eyes. It's not possible" Other than the siblings everyone else was confused "Anything is possible, kitten. Just like this is" Lance wasn't sure if she was right, her aura wasn't giving him a straight answer but still he was confused "But I saw, he killed you right Infront of me" Lance said "He what!" The others yelled, Veronica was silent with a sigh leaving her lips "And he did. It's true I died Lance, I did. You were so young back then, one event happened not long before my death" She said.

"Then how? I need to know, I need to know how Veronica" Lance stood up pleading "Because of you" Lance pierced his lips with confusion "what?" He asked "It's because of you that I'm here now, it's because of you that I'm able to see you again" She said "But.." Veronica stood up and put her hands on Lance's face cupping his cheeks "I'm here right now because of you. You saved me, you never caused my death, no ten year old can cause a death because he asked for help. You were in danger the moment that man had his hands on you and what's worse is he's out here now" She said as tears brimmed in his eyes "He was..." Allura had a hand over her mouth, this was more surprising and heartbreaking news she was hearing.

"Vivi...." Lance felt like sobbing again, she shushed him gently and looked to Keith "Keith, could you go take him to bed? He's had enough information processing his brain for today" Keith nodded and got up grabbing Lance by the hand "I'll be here when you wake up, I promise. I'm not leaving you again, not this time" Lance gave in and let Keith lead him to their shared room the doors closed behind them. "Paladins I have a favor to ask of you" She said turning to face the remaining ones in the room "What is it?" Shiro asked "If I ever had a mission, I ask that you look after and protect Lance in my place until I'm able to return to him. I left him once, I'm not leaving him again. Never" She said "We will. We've done it till now and we'll continue to do that until your father is dead" She frowned "Actually, truth is, his father isn't mine. Lance was adopted into our family when his father married my mother" She replied "Wait what? I thought he was" Allura frowned "He doesn't know. He was mainly shunned by everyone because of his appearance and he even made himself a difference category when we were younger, I often told him to not do that but it seems it's still there today. Lance's father said Lance was from his previous marriage but I doubt that, Lance hasn't trusted the man for one second even as a baby" she said "He said something about being able to read aura's, what does that mean?" Coran asked.

"That I'm not sure. I know he was born a Neko but him being able to read aura's is a mystery even to me, he's special in more ways then one and he's strong willed. I'm proud of him for that despite how he grew up, he's become much happier the more I see him look at all of you something I haven't seen since it was just me and him" Allura looked at the floor, thoughts running through her head.

She had a secret that she hasn't told anyone yet, only Coran knew of this. It's kept her with many questions and many doubts.

It was possible he was alive. It was possible he was okay.

She just... Didn't know.

If she'll ever see her baby brother again....

A/N: am I getting good at leaving y'all curious? Probably not (I'm still doubting because if Pay-Back wasn't as popular as it was I would have been completely more doubtful like I was in the past)
Okay, see y'all in the next chapter!


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