Truly yours

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This work is on my twitter with picture description



" Hannie, wake up darling. Mama needs to dress you up so you can meet Jin.”

Jimin chirps with a fake excitement in the silence of a very cold Tuesday morning. He looks down to his watch, sighing at the thought of him being late for work for the third time in that week. They’re not intentional of course, jimin has a right reason. Yes, his boss doesn’t ask him about it for whatever reasons Jimin couldn’t seem to care but still, he feels guilty for arriving at his office at least fifteen minutes late for three days straight.  He doesn’t want to linger on the gnawing feeling at the thought of him receiving not so nice feedback, or worse, being an irresponsible worker.

It makes him question why his boss has never seemed to care about his tardiness, but there’s some other important matters that he needs to be worrying about. One of which is his little Haneul who is currently struggling to open his eyes.

The four year-old boy looks so small in his new bed, a blue throw with Winnie The Pooh characters scattering all over it tangling around his lax body that is clearly not ready to rise with the sun’s morning warmth. Last night was the third night where Jimin succeeded in tucking Haneul to sleep in his own bedroom, although it took him nearly three hours to finally leave the small bedroom with a heavy sigh due to the expected consequences he’ll be facing tomorrow morning. He just wants  Haneul to start sleeping on his own, but unfortunately his little demon has some serious issues with the non-existent monster under his bed. So it takes Jimin a total of three hours of cuddling, reading tales, and singing in order for  Haneul to finally drift off to sleep.

The biggest challenge is actually the next day when the sun rises, scorching its rays through the sheer curtains of Ian’s room.

“Baby, please?” Jimin starts to give up when he barely gets any lucid reactions after ten seconds pass., With another longing sigh, he surrenders.

“Fine, I’m letting you sleep some more, but promise me you have to wake up in a few minutes okay?”

There’s the shame Jimin knows he’ll endure when he arrives at work and  judging stares are shot his way by his office mates. All the looks dig deep into the skin of his face.

He leaves the room to pack his lunch and Haneul’s daycare backpack. Since he’s working until five in the evening, the sweet omega next to his block that he calls jin takes the responsibility of watching  Haneul while he’s at work. Jin doesn’t really care about the amount of money Jimin pays him weekly, but he always makes sure that he can at least help Jin to survive decently based on the earnings.

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