The Touch

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His finger swept over the 'F5' button again to refresh the dull beige screen he was starring it, it would flicker a little, changing around on a few words and colors, but not the ones he was seeking. His eyes were gazing at one name, it still haven't moved. He rubbed his eyes frustratingly, tired his mind and body was but he had to see her online, she had to log on before he could be able to rest. The other chat windows rushed past without notice, the subjects changing faster than he cared to keep up with, they weren't worth his tired eyes anyways.

Click, that 'F5' button was pressed down again, the screen turned a different color but the icon he looked at had still not changed. Offline, that one word that was torturing his tired mind. Had she maybe forgotten him, or worse, found a different place to log in? He let out a loud sigh, flicking his finger at the 'F5' button again. The same color was there still.

Seemed some had donated to the site, giving him permission to choose the theme of the website, as well as get his damn name on a 'honored' list in the corner of the screen. "XxMegaStylexX" he read out bored, man some people really didn't mind laying it on thick with their online identity. The colors had turned to that of a racial theme from another MMO, Dark Elves. 

He let out a long groan as he slumped down on over the keyboard, now not only did he have to wait for her, but had to listen to the damn theme music of the Dark Elf race. He could mute but then he wouldn't get an alert message if she was suddenly there. The low sound of the building up soundtrack could be heard, and refreshing the page just restarted the damn theme again.

He flipped in to a small lobby, the names were all of previous members of his order or groups, luckily hers was there too, but this lobby had been empty for a long time and only visited rarely. Remnants, was all they were of a great time, well many great times that is. 

At least he wasn't tortured as much in this custom lobby, he held the permissions to change the theme and the damn music, "donators shouldn't be permitted to change themes" he muttered out while flicking through an already existing play list.

The night drew further across the sky and his mind, eyes setting heavy and this time it was really troublesome. His head had already slammed down in to the keyboard twice, quite painful statement not to fall asleep at the computer but he couldn't leave yet.

All though his concentration and many attempts to stay away, his eyes closed silently in, this time without the loud bonk on the keyboard. His breath was unsteady, shuttering a little now and then as he was carried away from the awakened realm and to his own dreams.

The mind of a wandering soul is so adventurous, you could never plan what would happen behind the curtains of sleep and dreams. Within the realms of dreams and wonders, there one could be more than what one was in the real world. The hero of a people or what about the savior of lands, ruler of many or feared of all? The dreams were almost like games, except you were fully merged in to these thoughts.

His own dreams though, the were not as linear as others could be seen, in his he was no hero alone. He was a knight among many, or the wise man giving advice - one dream he was even just the damn horse of the hero. He never knew how to explain those dreams to the psychiatrist, that is why many of his dreams of fantasy as well as real life was always kept so secluded to one side of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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