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Fujimoto Misako was a beautiful, lovely, and kind young woman

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Fujimoto Misako was a beautiful, lovely, and kind young woman. Growing up, she never received any love from her parents who were always busy with their work. She was always under the care of her grandparents who showed her love until she was ten. At the age of ten, Misako lost her parental figures and was sent to study overseas in Korea by her parents.

There, she was welcomed into a new family who were acquaintances of her parents. They were all kind and loving to her and she honestly was thankful for their kindness and their warmth. She even had siblings, as she considered them to be, and loved them very much.

Misako grew up to be an honest, loving, kind, and caring woman. Graduating early in computer science and engineering, she was known to be very smart for her age. Not only was she good with informatics but she loved spending time in nature and studying flowers, as a hobby, of course. Not long after graduating from University, her parents (biological ones), decided to send her back to Japan.

"Misako, are you sure you will be okay? I heard that the place where you are going to live is kind of sketchy," her adoptive brother, Lee Haneul, asked.

"Oppa, you worry too much. I promise, I will be alright," Misako reassured him with a kind smile. "Besides, I have Meong-Meong with me. You take care of Hanwool for me."

"Ah~ My baby," Misako's adoptive mother cooed as she patted the young woman's cheek, "call us when you get there, alright?"

"I will as soon as I settle my things in the shop, eomeoni," Misako promised her adoptive mother.

"Let our daughter go, yeobo," Misako's adoptive father told his wife separating her from his daughter, "can't you see that it's almost time for her flight?" He asked as he went to give a hug to Misako.

"Says the one who is hugging her and not letting her go," the older woman rolled her eyes at her husband who wasn't going to let go of Misako any time soon.

"Appa! Hyung! Eomma! Noona!" Hanwool came running towards his family.

"Oh! Hanwool! Why are you here? You should be at school!" His mother scolded the youngest son.

Hanwool pouted at his mother and sassily replied, "Eomma, noona is returning to her hometown and probably staying there for a very long time, don't you think I also have the right to say goodbye to her?"

"Aish, this child," the woman shook her head.

"Noona~~ Next time you come visit, bring some good Japanese sweets," Hanwool said, giving Misako his puppy eyes.

"Focus on your studies, idiot," Misako let out a laugh while hitting his chest lightly.

"Why are you telling me to be good? Hyung is also having a hard time with his job," Hanwool accused.

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