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"Thank you for your purchase~" Misako bowed to her customer who gave her a small smile before walking out

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"Thank you for your purchase~" Misako bowed to her customer who gave her a small smile before walking out. Yamato's mother then entered the shop. "Hisako-san, welcome!"

"Ara~ Misako-chan! You still look as beautiful and young as always," the older woman greeted. "I was wondering if you had any good flowers for me?"

"Of course I do," Misako gave the older woman a smile and guided Hisako to her flower shop area, "These ones are fresh, they were just delivered this morning. Would you like me to wrap it up for you?"

"I would love to," Yamato's mother said. Misako gave her a big smile before taking a pair of flower shears to cut off some of them. The young woman carefully dealt with the stems and wrapped them up into a beautiful bouquet.

"Here you go," Misako handed the bouquet to Hisako.

"As always, they are beautiful," the older one smiled, paying Misako for the bouquet. "I wonder if you would wrap your own bouquet for your wedding."

Misako choked on her spit as she heard the woman's words, "wedding?"

"I am sorry, did I say something wrong?" Yamato's mother looked at Misako clearly confused at the young lady's reaction. "Are you not seeing anyone?"

"I..." Misako paused, "it's complicated."

"Well, if it's complicated, it doesn't mean that it is impossible is it?" The older woman patted Misako's hand.

"I guess not," Misako smiled.

Their small talk was quickly interrupted by the Ichigo Milk group entering Misako's shop. "My ride home is here," Hisako smiled.

"Hisako-senpai, we're here to take you home! Hello Misako!" Junko aggressively greeted.

"Hello!" The other girls firmly exclaimed.

"Hello girls," Misako let out a giggle at their antics as she greeted the girls. "You guys came just in time. I was about to close the store."

"Are you visiting that special someone again?" Hisako asked, knowing exactly who she was visiting. Only one person could make Misako's eyes sparkle the way it's sparkling now, and that person was none other than the one who had taken her heart a few months ago.

"Something like that," Misako nodded her head, her eyes still holding its sparkle.

"Young love," Hisako gave Misako a wink and smiled, pushing the girls towards the store's exit, "come on girls, let Misako do her own job. See you tomorrow, Misako."

"See you!" Junko exclaimed.

"See you!" Asuka followed.

"See you!" Oshiage and Shiba exclaimed together.

"Hai, hai, be careful~" Misako gave them a kind smile waving at the women as they walked away from her store.

Once the ladies were out, Misako walked up to the front store and locked her store door. After making sure that her store was secure, she went over to her counter to separate the cash. Meong-Meong, who seemed to know exactly what his owner was doing, walked into the store pulling out an empty wagon that Misako used whenever she would go to visit her special place.

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now