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Noboru was alive. It has been a few days and Misako couldn't be happier for the Hoodlum Squad. Things were going well for the Hoodlum Squad who were stoked about their friend coming back home. Today was finally the day when Noboru would come back. The group was busy preparing for Noboru's welcome party. Misako was helping Naomi with the food while the other guys continued to decorate the Itokan Diner.

After a few minutes, everyone stood by the door waiting for Noboru and Cobra to come in. Suddenly the door opened and the man of the hour came in. It was silent for a moment before Noboru gave everyone a smile. "I am home."

"Welcome back!" Everyone exclaimed together and threw confetti welcoming the black sheep back.

Everyone enjoyed their time together and talked to each other about different things. Sannoh Hoodlum Squad was officially back together. Misako sadly had to leave earlier, having to deal with her store. She welcomed Noboru once again before going back to her store.

Arriving at her store, she found none other than Nikaido standing there in front of the main entrance as if he was waiting for her. Misako had an idea of Nikaido's past and his relationship with the Nameless City. He left his only family a few years ago to work for Kuryu and he seemed to be doing well helping the bad guys. "Can I help you?"

Nikaido turned around and faced Misako, giving her a charming smile, or so he thought it was one. Misako looked at the man with a blank face knowing exactly what he came here to do. He seemed to notice her cold stare and dropped his act and smirked at her. "We came to buy your store."

Misako glared at him, "I remember never agreeing with your terms."

"Come on, Misako. You know that it would be easier for both of us if you just agree." Nikaido pleaded. He was a nasty man, Misako knew that, but he seemed to know better than to mess with her. Besides, it is not always that you see someone who has more money than any of the Kuryu Family has.

Misako, despite not being born in a rich family, being in the care of the Lee Family in her time in Korea was beneficial to her. Her adoptive family were crazy rich although they loved to just live a simple life. Since the Lee Family loved Misako as their own daughter, being against Misako would mean being against the Lee Family. They could easily destroy the Kuryu Group within a blink of an eye.

She knew that although the Iemura Group was the one that was meddling with SWORD. She was aware that Kuryu Group was behind all this. Besides, her mother did come a few days ago and she discovered that her parents definitely worked for Kamizono Family before her father died and her mother disappeared after giving her the USB.

"We'll come back again," Nikaido told her.

"My answer will still remain the same," Misako firmly stood her ground.

Nikaido took one last look at her and walked away. A younger man who seemed to follow the latter also glared at the woman. Misako couldn't help but think that the little guy was just an idiot who thought he was better than anyone else. Misako shot the two men in an icy glare and waited until they left.

Once they left, Misako let out a big sigh in relief. Despite her having the upper hand against Kuryu, facing them was just scary. That was what Misako thought to herself. She opened her store once again, and as soon as she entered, Meong-Meong came to greet her. Misako let out a small smile and gave her dog a small pat on the head. She just hoped that things could be quiet for a while.


Misako wished she hadn't believed that things would be okay.

It has been a couple of days since Noboru's return and problems seem to be growing even more. This afternoon she had decided to visit Nameless City, it was peaceful until the explosion. Misako was shocked to see so many people getting caught in the explosion, she was one of the people who were the closest to the area where the explosion happened and immediately ran to help.

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now