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September 21, 1987

"It's been one year since I first went inside that house. I have to finish what I've started."
What I am about to do has not been approve by the Vatican.

I pulled off to the side of the road. I could still see tire marks in the grass. I step out of the car. I must not get distracted. I have to finish this. I begin to walk into the forest. The house was located deep into the forest, I didn't know why, it was just built there.
Before I truly entered the forest, I heard something crunch beneath my feet, I looked down and there was a piece of paper with writing.
I picked it up.

"Have you forgotten already?

This forest has a mind of its own.

If you get lost, you could always try remembering where you've been

Pressing the ESCAPE key or START button is a good place to start."

The note was confusing. It was talking as if life was a game. Before I had the chance to throw the note away, it disintegrated in my hands.

The forest was quiet. I could hear myself breathing, I would only hear the occasional dear breaking a branch. I heard a lot of branches breaking, so much sure I stopped moving to make sure I wasn't going to be ran over by running dears, but what I saw was worse then a stampede of deers.
A white, hairless creature was running full speed at me. It came so fast the last thing I remember seeing was its big red eyes.
It tackled me to the ground with an anger, as if it was angry at me. Before I could even try to get it off of me, I felt its teeth dig into my skin, right below my heart. At that point I couldn't do anything to stop it. I knew my time had come and my fate was to be food for what looked like a chupacabra.
I refused to look down at my wounds as I felt the life draining out of me. I didn't want to be strong, I gave into the bright light, but that bright light disappeared. It felt like instead of going towards the light, I was moving away. The light disappeared. There was nothing for a bit, just darkness, as soon as I got comfortable in the darkness, a robotic voice blared in my ears

I didn't understand. I didn't understand anything. I blinked and then...I was standing back at my car, I could see the note from where I was standing. I...I was meant to be dead. Why was I standing here. Why was I not in heaven.
I could already feel tears running down my cheek. I couldn't tell if I was sad that I had to continue living, or if I was happy that God had given me another chance at life.
But this time..this time something was new, there was a weight in my pocket. In my pocket I found a golden crucifix, I didn't want to look at it closely as I feared that I would ruin the perfect gold with my tears. I just stood there, crying with a crucifix in my hand.
It felt good to be able to cry without anyone to see.
I wiped my tears and went back to the forest. I picked up that note, it again disintegrated in my hand, and I walked into the forest.
I believed I was ready for whatever that creature wanted.
When I heard the branches cracking, I knew it was coming. I looked all around and I swear, I made eye contact with it. It ran towards me on all floors, screaming "FATHER.". I held up my cross towards the creature, I was trying to remember what to say but I couldn't with how much fear was in me that I couldn't form words. I braced for impact

"NOOOOOOO." I opened my eyes to see the creature running away. It seemed to be afraid of the cross. Demon like behavior, well, it wasn't human behavior.
That happened a lot, I would be minding my business then the creature would come running at me, the cross seemed to work all of the time.

After a long way of nothing but my own breath and crunching branches and leaves, I hadn't ended up at the house yet. But instead a dead tree, I don't know what came over me, but there was this voice telling me to hold my crucifix up to this tree, I followed the voice's commands.
The tree flashed with yellow light, and after a bit, something fell from it. Another piece of paper, but this one seemed to be a note.

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