➼ Prologue

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It was a dark day in the castle, which was unusual to say the least. As usually the gorgeous palace was normally brimming with movement and love. However this day was not the same as something horrible had happened within its walls. In the throne room, the king and queen were both sat uncomfortably in their cushioned seats, as they had both been truly offended by the actions of the crying man stood before them.

"Look, I promise... I never meant it to be like this, your majesty. I was forced into the situation and I never wanted it to become extreme," the man said quietly to the two disgusted individuals in front of him, "I only stole some of your money in order to pay off the debts I owed to my landlord in my village. He was going to get violent towards me and my wife... or we could've become homeles-"

"Since when was it my concern what happens to you and your wife, peasant ," the king interrupted with a sense of powerfulness.

"My wife is pregnant, we have a baby on the way! If we went homeless then she and the baby would be dead for sure." The man replied. The queen gasped at this fact and put her hand on her mouth. She looked at her husband for support, she was even more shocked at the fact that the king had not reacted to what the man had just told them.

"John, what has possessed you... This man before us has risked his life for his wife and unborn child!" The queen protests; she gets off her throne and helps the man to his feet, "Sir, you have my upmost respect for protecting your new family. John, please don't punish him... he has suffered enough and he does not deserve more on his plate."

The king groans, "Uhgh... fine. I will not kill him." The man's face fills with brightness and smiles. The king adds, "But, he has to be punished somehow. He has violated the law so he must face some sort of penance for it."

The king glances at the small, empty throne beside him, reminding him of his newly born son. His son who will one day fill that chair, and after a while, the king's throne itself. This struck an amazing idea to him, one that is peaceful and benefits his family alongside it.

"How about... that unborn baby you have, what if they serve my son in the future, as a servant or such. That would be a suitable punishment for you... while also keeping your child in a secure job in the future ," the king grins, satisfied with the reparations he had set up for the man.

"F-fine. I'll do that ," the man agrees sadly. He knows that he had just thrown away the life of his child, but he'd take that over the death of him and his family. He knows now that his only motive now is to give his child the best childhood they deserve before they become a servant to the royals.

That man in this situation is my dad. My name is (Y/N). He thought right to give me a great childhood as he always gave me and my later-born sister the best bringing up a child would want, minus the costly aspects. But we always had food on the table and a roof over our heads, and that's what mattered to us. I understood the responsibility that I will carry in the future as the servant to the only slightly-older prince in the castle when I turn sixteen.

In fact, I am due to work for him in a weeks time. As it's my sixteenth then. I only hope that the prince is nice to me, when really I should be glad that I get to work for him. All the girls in my village are jealous that I will work for the "cute" and "fancy" prince. Honestly, he looks alright, but the times I've seen him around I find him quite full of himself.

I have been training for becoming a servant ever since I was fourteen; let me tell you, it's harder than it looks. I'm not just doing a few tasks here and there. I'll be managing the prince's whole life! From his routine, to the cooking, to the cleaning to being his personal assistant. It's hard work but I'm sure I can do it!

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