The Flickering Lamplight at Forgetful Alley

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I'm not exactly sure what I should be writing here, or how I should exactly start, But. I feel like someone has to tell these stories to the public or I will probably start losing my mind. So many stories, so many families and so many deaths and disapearances that one could never even count in a hundred life times.

There have been so many stories of the Flickering Lamplight at Forgetful Alley, from a group of teenagers getting lost one day while out on a long day of partying, to a mothers child disapearing right infront of her eyes. Or to one of my personal favourites, the Charleston Family Massacre. The Charleston family is a family I knew very well from my past life. The story behind this one specific family is quite fascinating, they seemed like your normal everyday family, nothing special about them. Yet when they passed through Forgetful Alleys flickering lamplight on a terribly rainy day, it was like a switch had been turned off or should I say turned on. The family of 5 the father Michael 34, the mother Doris 28, and their 3 girls Abigail, Christine and Elizabeth. They must have be the kindest people one would ever get too know. If someone needed help for any reason whatsoever, they were there to lend a helping hand especially Elizabeth.

Michael worked as a volunteer paramedic meaning he would be out working for long hours everyday, Doris was unemployed but always volunteered at any charity events that she would come across and the 3 adopted girls aged 14, 16 and the eldest Abigail who was 17 were all high school dropouts due to bad grades. But, in all honesty. I think they were just using their bad grades because, they just worried about their mothers health. But after crossing Forgetful Alley that day everything went to shit. While making their way back home, and entering their humble abode. Doris began to feel very sick.

The sick Doris was rushed to her bedroom with great care. At first Michael didn't think much of it, he thought Doris must just be under the weather again since she seemed to always have frequent health related mishaps, or she was just having another one of her extreme cases of a migraine, since she could be quite the clumsy and sickly person sometimes. But on second glance, Michael knew something was different and wrong with Doris. It almost seemed like she aged dramatically, the young 28 year old Doris looked like she was now in her late 70's.

Upon seeing Doris, Micheal looked at her in great fear. Not only did she age dramatically, but her face became something of true horror... Think of the scariest face you can imagine x100. Then out of nowhere, Doris let out an obnoxiouly loud scream rupturing Michaels eardrums in an instant. Blood was pooring out of Michaels ears like one would see out of an anime. Michael then collapsed to ground. Meanwhile, the girls who were also terrified and just standing outside the doorway were then confronted by their mother, or should I say, somekind of creature that resembled their mother.

In a flash, Doris charged at the girls grabbing the 14 year old Elizabeth by the neck and throwing her across the hallway straight into the partially concrete wall like she weighed absolutely nothing. While Elizabeth laid there in a pool of her own blood screaming in utter pain. Christine, the middle child of the 3 girls, made a run for it down the stairs to the living room on her way to the house phone to call the police. Abigail, stood her ground shouting at her mother. "What the fuck are you doing Mom!!, Please stop this AT ONCE, I beg you please mother, STOP NOW!!"

It almost seemed like Doris started to cry, but that of course was just a trick to catch Abigail off guard. Once again Doris charged at Abigail with such aggresive force pushing her to the ground with very little effort. Doris was slowly choking Abigail to death, while Abigail was slowly and painfully being strangled to death, she tilted her head over to Elizabeth, letting out one single and final whisper... "Run". Abigail was dead, and of course so was Elizabeth.

The entire house went completely dark and cold, the only one that was still alive was Christine. She had made it to the home phone screaming at the 911 operator and telling them what was going on, not actually knowing that Michael, Abigail and Elizabeth were already dead. But before she was even close to starting to make sense, the phone went quiet... This was when Christine heard her mothers voice while she saw her slowly crawling down the old and creaky stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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