c h a p t e r_t w o: (trust me)

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"Y/nn!!!" Rose screamed as she reached out for the older woman, "Rose? Are you ok?!" She hugged her sobbing form of her friend as she herself was trying not to have a full on mental breakdown.

"Shhh shh, calm down I'll check the power box ok?"

"Stay here and keep hidden." She instructed the girl as Y/n wiped the tears that stained the younger girls cheek. As she herself is trying to muster up the courage not to run and abandon Rose on the place, i mean to be fair everything that's been happening wasn't her business at all.

Standing up as she feel her legs turn weak at all the possible outcomes of the situation, most of them leading them both not survive the night.

Searching for her phone in her pockets, panic arose her as she feel an empty space. Running back at the counter in a panic despite the dark building, not noticing a figure that walked by as they both collided unto one another.

Stumbling in her steps as she fell on her butt,
looking at the person as a light flashed in her face, hissing as she feel the light went directly in her eyes. Before adjusting to the little light that provided by the person.

"Rose?" She mumbled.

"Try again sweetheart." She feels her world drop as she heard the voice, as she stared at the person shocked, in fear Y/n was paralyzed scared to make the littlest of move afraid that he'll hurt her.

Squatting down to meet with her level as he loomed at her eerily, "What did you do to rose?" As she tried not to stutter feeling her tears threaten to escape her eyes. 'Gosh i've never been scared like this.'

"I didn't hurt her." He paused as his eyes scanned her from head to toe, despite the fact she's on the floor. "That much." Giggling uncontrollably, "How about let's make a deal instead?"

He leaned in closer giving them limited space, "You pay me the money Rose owes, then I'll leave you both alone."

"Okk??"The man smiled menacingly as he waited for her answers, "It's not my problem why do i-"

"Oh sweets you have no choice, you don't want to see my bad side now do ya?" He threatened now pressing a sharp metal object in her neck.

"Fine, how much is it??"

"I'll tell you how much is enough, just pay."

"That's unfair!"

"Nothing in life is fair sweetie, just do as i say."

She watched as he turned around and walked away, not knowing what to do she stayed in her position for a few while processing the conversation in her head. After a few while the power went back on.

"Fuck my life." She mumbled she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'Rose!' Remembering her companion as she bolted quickly to where she left the younger girl.

Only to see her hunched under the counter silently sobbing refusing to look at the person that was now watching her, scared of whom she'll see. "We're fine now." Y/n announced as the girl looked up from the ground as she scurried away from her hiding spot.

To hug Y/n.

"What did he say?" Rose mumbled as she unhooked her arms from the maidens waist, sighing in utter defeat as Y/n looked at the girl,

"He said to pay."

"How much?"

"You don't know how much you owe him?!"

"Well technically I don't owe him money, as i said i owe him...weed."

Silence dawned unto the both of them as Rose smiled sheepishly despite the prominent frown on Y/n's face, assessing the situation on helping the girl. Which by the way is supposedly non of her business!

"But why was he talking about money then?"

"I can handle it!" Y/n raised a brow at her statement, "If you say so, I don't want to he involved ok?" Rose nodded almost instantly, "ok, i trust you on that."

"So what did you wish for??" Ask Annita as she sat beside Y/n, who was a little too quiet in the corner of the room. The girl looked at her as she giggled before putting a finger on her lips while saying, "No telling, or it won't come true."

They both shared a laugh before her friend spoke once more, "Why the long face though?, shouldn't you he enjoying your special day?"

"Oh you know, just got things on my mind."

"About the wish?"


Walking groggily to the quiet halls of her apartment as she dragged her feet to the floor, with not much thought in mind but the feel of her soft bed engulfing her as she imagine plopping down on the soft mattress.

Her daydream bubble was popped, suddenly as a butterfly flew into her nose. As it stayed still Y/n looked at the pretty animal, before shaking her head to shake it off her face.

Finally arriving at her apartment room, taking her keys as she started to unlock the door until finally the feeling of serenity washed over her as she entered her safe haven, closing the door behind her as Y/n was now separated from the outside world.

'I survived the day again!' She cheered mentally. As she proceeded to do her usual routines before heading to bed to relax.

What a nice life indeed , just ignoring the events that took place earlier, Rose got it covered right? I mean to be completely honest it's not the first time a suspicious individual asked for Rose. To be fair her co worker hadn't put her in such really dangerous situations.

Y/n was certain it won't happen again.

- To Be Continued

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