June - 1949

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Its 1949, Otto had left Germany behind, hoping to start a new life in the United States after fighting in World War II. He was a decorated war hero, but the memories of the war continued to haunt him. He was tormented by the atrocities that he had witnessed and the devastation that he had seen. He longed to leave it all behind and start over.

When he arrived in the United States, Otto found work as a consultant for a defense contractor, helping to develop advanced weapons. His job connected with his high intelligence and military training and quickly made him one of the top performers in his field.

One day, Otto was visiting a World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. He was lost in thought, staring at the names of fallen soldiers. As Otto stood at the World War II memorial, memories of the war flooded his mind. He was transported back to the blood-soaked battlefields, the echoing gunfire, and the pained screams. The weight of it all became too much to bear, and Otto fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

It was then that Sarah noticed him. She was moved by the depth of Otto's emotion and went to help him. He was too embarrassed to look her in the eye, but Sarah gently lifted him up and led him to the nearest bench. As Otto gathered himself, Sarah asked him what was wrong, and Otto shared with her who he was and what he had done during the war.

Sarah was shocked by Otto's confession. She felt both anger and pity for him. Her own father had been a paratrooper, serving in the same area where Otto had been stationed. But she decided to keep this information to herself for the time being.

As Otto continued to share his story, it all became too much for him, and he just wanted to leave. He thanked Sarah for listening and not judging him too harshly. Sarah was taken aback by Otto's reaction and felt compelled to learn more about him and what he had been through. She invited him for a drink and exchanged numbers with him,

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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