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"Sorry, did I wake you?" Bible could recognise that voice anywhere at any time. He didn't recognise the caller ID, but he knew the voice was unmistakably Build's.

"No, I wasn't asleep." He admitted, glancing at the clock on his night stand. It just hit quarter after one, yet he wasn't sleepy.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently. "You usually don't call this late."

"Sorry, it's just...I really needed to hear your voice now." Build sighed; a loud drunken singing could be heard in the background and Bible realised he must have been outside, using a payphone.

"Where are you?"

"In the park, in our neighbourhood."

Bible heard a quiet sniffle. "Wait there."

He said, quickly getting out of bed. "I'll come get you."

The line went silent, and Bible grabbed his hoodie before rushing outside. Even though they haven't spoken in a while, even though they had to cut contact for months at a time, he was ready to drop everything just for Build.

They were childhood friends, they grew up together, went to the same university, had the same friends, same hobbies, same inkling for bizarre books. It came to a point their closeness caused people to misunderstand, to think they are a couple, but they never crossed that line. Scared to ruin their friendship if things didn't work out, they didn't allow themselves to take the next step, and they punished themselves for it by enduring the pain of not being together.

Then, Build got a boyfriend, and Bible got a girlfriend. Things went south quickly, and they began drifting apart. From talking and texting and calling everyday, it became once a week. Then, once a month. Then, almost three years have passed since they last spent a full day together just the two of them. There was a couple of brief instances where they met at a group gathering, but neither one had enough courage to even make small talk, let alone hug each other.

And they both missed it, oh how they missed being in each other's presence, falling asleep beside one another, talking about everything and nothing at the same time for hours on end. How long has it been since he actually saw Build in person? Five months, maybe?

Bible dashed through the streets in flip flops, his hair tied in the back, pyjama pants flapping around his legs, his hoodie unzipped. The distance from his new flat to their old neighbourhood was ten minutes, yet he made it in five, cursing himself for leaving his glasses home.

"Bibs?" A hunched figure stood up from a nearby bench, and Build came closer to his squinting friend.

"Biu..." It was almost a sigh of relief. As Build came closer and the light of a street lamp illuminated his face, Bible registered the red bruise on his cheek, and the torn bleeding lip that Build tried to wipe off.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Build asked sheepishly, but Bible has already took his hand in his own and lead him through the night streets back to his apartment.

"He hit you again..." The pain Bible felt in his heart upon seeing his friend's hurt face was growing. Us has told him before that Build's boyfriend Mikey has had a temper, and that they fought a lot, yet Build never left him.

"It's nothing, he's just stressed a little..." Build whispered as he sat down on Bible's bed and let himself get cleaned up with a disinfectant.


"Where is Sarah?" He tried to change the subject when Bible handed him a t-shirt to sleep in and tactfully turned around so Build could change and slip into bed.

01:15 (BibleBuild AU)Where stories live. Discover now