Lifes a blur

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"Have you ever wondered what would happen if everything just slowed down for a second. If for just one minute everything was at peace? No war. No fighting. No pain. Just nothing but silence." I said in front of my class reciting the speech I had practiced at least a hundred times.

I sat back down in my seat and my classmates applauded. My best friend Gemini gave me a high five and one obnoxious boy hooted.

Thank you Density. We all appreciate your attempt to make my class look pointless as you recite a simple speech that you clearly took from online. Said my teacher Mr. Sanders.

I ran out of the classroom crying. As I left I looked back and saw Mr. Sanders smirk. Some people just have no filter and no brain. There is nothing I can do since he is superior to me and my word over his will cause no contradiction since adults trust him.

I see Gemini enter the bathroom and look around for me. I stand on the toilet so she won't see me.

I know you're in there Destiny. She said. We need to said say something. He can't treat you like that. She said and I could tell there was no way I was going to change her mind.

No one will believe me over him. I say sighing. You don't know unless you try... Said Gemini. Then I guess i won't know then. I mutter. Gemini laughs. Life sure is a blur. She says with a chuckle.
Chapter 1: The great(or not) plan

I hope down from the toilet seat and open the stall after a while. Gemini left a little while ago to take her "important" walk across the hall. She said she'd be back in a little bit.

She takes this walk everyday just so she can look at her "crush", Matt Roberts, who she says is the cutest guy at school. I have to constantly remind her that rumor has it that the reason Summer broke up with him is that he was mean to her but she doesn't listen to me.

I look at myself in the mirror. You can hardly tell I've been crying now which is a relief. I dab some concealer on the more noticeable red patches and white spots and for the first time today I "check myself out." Not bad. I fluff up my hair and fix my shirt.

I take one last deep breath and walk out of the bathroom and run straight in MATT ROBERTS!! He's wiping his eyes that are watering as he mutters an apology while helping me up. It's totally fine. I say. I should have paid more attention. I hesitate before asking him if he's ok.

Ya he says and then his face twists and he says actually not really. What's wrong? I ask him. I pull him aside and enter the library. It's supposed to be closed but they never lock the door. I lead Matt to the back table and we sit down. Spill. I say as Matt's lip starts to quiver.

People are saying really bad stuff about me Des. Really bad stuff. Stuff about...
ABOUT WHAT? I demand. About how they think I was mean to Summer. He says hiding his tears. Matt, I'm so sorry. I say reaching across the table to grab his hand. It's gonna be ok. I say.

Will you come here? Asks Matt reaching his arms out. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. We stay like that for a long time. Matt and I aren't official but I make up that stuff to Gemini so she doesn't get the wrong idea. I don't need anymore drama.

I just need Matt.
Sadly, he needs Summer too.

After talking to Matt for a little while, the lunch bell rings. We get up and stop holding hands as we exit the library. Being with Matt feels like the right kind of wrong. I feel like i'm living two separate lives and that if they ever interacted shots would be fired and everything would go wrong. It scares me. Of course I love Matt, but I know that if Gemini knew about how I felt, she'd be more than her usual pushy self. She would go crazy.

That is definitely NOT something I want to see, yet it still makes me feel guilty for hiding something or (someone) from her. I know it's for her own good, but it still upsets me. I'm walking to lunch and Matt mutters, later Tiny, which is another one of his nicknames for me. I say bye and then enter the cafeteria. I search around for my usual table but nothing look familiar.

What a day it's been so far, and third period just barely finished!
Authors note:
I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am! Please leave comments and feedback so that I can know how I can improve!!!:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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