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Eleven year old Walker and current walker

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Eleven year old Walker and current walker. 

Walker Everette was born and raised in a small town in the middle of nowhere called "Creekwood". This town is surrounded by a deep wood, that goes on for miles.. He was a happy, friendly child, with two wonderful parents and plenty of friends.
One day, when he was thirteen, his mother was found brutally slaughtered in their backyard, which connected to the woods.
After that day, he was never the same. He closed himself off from others, and spent most time in his room with his tape recorder and his best friend, Snazzy the Raccoon.

He explored the woods every day since then with his tape recorder, keeping track of his adventures, trying to find what murdered his mother. He knew it had something to do with the woods somehow, but he wasn't sure in what way.
On his adventures, he's found murdered deer and other various animals, along with many other strange things in the woods.

He's now nineteen.

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