Chapter 2 Uniforms

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Beep Beep Beep Beep, the annoying sound of an alarm clock went off the time said 6:30 and a hand reached out to turn it off, after pressing that annoying little button one can never seem to find in these situations the hand went back under the pillow happy it had turned it off. Moaning the young man turned around in bed to look out in to the dark room he gave another sigh that he had to get up, small speckles of light came through the curtains and in to the room lighting it up. He sat up and flung his long legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, he gave a big jawn as he started to stretch out his muscles. Turning around he headed towards the bathroom to take a morning shower, usually a morning run and then a shower but today he was to tired for that and it had become colder outside and he didn't like the cold.

Stepping out of the shower he fixed his hair and went in to the bedroom again to get his uniform ready and his phone went off. Ring Ring Ring the caller id filled the screen he picked up the phone and pressed answer.

"You up yet sleeping beauty? We got another one here close to the town sign about 10 min off you'll see our cars by the road" the caller paused" it's not pretty I'll tell ya."

"Yes sir i'm up i'll be right there give me 30 an i'll be there." They hung up. He quickly put his clothes on and grabbed an apple for breakfast and went out to his cop car and drove off.

Red and blue light flickered a few meters in front of him has he pulled closer to the scene, he looked in to the woods as he slowed down the car and parked it. Two hunters carrying hunting riffles stood with three cops talking and gesturing, he turned on the lights and got out off the car walking towards the scene off the crime. The vibrant colors of the autumn filled the forest making it a beautiful picture only thing destroying it was the body lying on the ground. Walking down the small slope from the road down to the forest was risky it was slippery on the wet ground and leaves, and one could easily get cut up on those thorn bushes. He manages to get down in one piece grabbing at the trees for support, the body was about 30 meters in and covered in blood. Walking up he could see that the person had its throat cut and the face had been torn to shreds, one of the man's eyes was missing while the other was looking at them with horror. The body was laying on its back and hade multiple cuts and chunks of flesh missing he walked up to his colleges and the two hunters.

"Morning" he nodded at the group and stood beside them.

"Hey rookie, this is John and Mike they discovered the body" Captain Jermen pointed at the two hunters with his pen. He nodded his head at him to follow him, in the captain's hand was a notepad that had notes from the two hunters. The two of them walked a bit from the group to take a look at the body.

"The body was discovered about an 1h ago and according to the two hunters a bear was eating of the body when they found it, and they shot the bear" Captain Jermen pointed to the bears body a few meters away and continued "and from what we can tell the man died some time last night" Captain Jermen rubbed his forehead.

This was the 3 body in 2 months, it started with the first body back in September. It had been found in the middle of the dirt road that went back to a cabin in the forest by some teenagers that was out playing and messing around. The other body had been found under some rocks along the river by a young woman walking her dog and had its head smashed in by what they believe is a rock, and now this body next to a stump. It almost looked like someone wanted the bodies to be found due to the nature of where the bodies were being found, he looked between the man's body and the bears body and then at the rookie.

"What are we going to do? This is the 3rd body in less than two months now! What could possibly be doing something like this" the young rookie looked at Jermen.

"I have no idea, but for now bag up any evidence you can find and Jessi and Mark will take the body down to the station so the corner can make an autopsy. I will go and inform the family" Jermen patted the rookie on the shoulder and went to his car.

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