Theres No Use For Getting Over This Awful Nightmare

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I don't know whats going on with me i think im going crazy i said to myself theres everything comming at me and wanted to do somthing but i don't wanna do it can i just leave i said sadly my counsuler said i think the only reason why your having these thoughts is becouse you saw your parents bleed to death and butcherd by your older brother what is this?! i did see my parents die i didnt plan to can we please talk about somrthing else i really miss my parents and i dont like speaking about there death okay? okay we will talk about somthing else i shighed and looked back at the wall and said i wonder what happen to my brother frist he was a nice boy then 15 years later he turns into a stonecole killer like really i don't know how like really

I was just a few steps away from the door i wanted to ecape but i couldn't he was standing there in Front of me and looked at me and looked away i can't look at my brother anymore i just can't if i run away he'll find me and kill me and i don't want to be killed by my own brother i do miss my parents but i love my brother but if i runaway it might be the best for me to get away. That Minuite while Tanner was gone out i took my backpack and packed Food,Cholthes and my cell phone andmy ipod and my laptop and my camera i took alot of stuff with me to make shure he knew that i took everything so i was gone.

I Ran to my old hometown witch is A Hour away and i saw my old house that Tanner and i lived in when we were a little kids and i walked in there is food still in here and i herd a knock and the door i awncerd it was Justin. I said hello and then he came in and hugged me and said thnk god your back home i missed hitting on you ashley like everybody missed you and you can stay here ill stay with you but what about your girlfriend? She'll Have to move on without me cause i met someone else he smled and kissed me.

That night i didnt sleeep at all because i just didnt think it ws right but i did sleep anyway.That morinig i walked into my old high school nd i saw Danille Running to me and i saw her too i hugged her so tight and i missed my best friend and she asked me where are you living i said im living back at my old house then she said no your not you are living with me now im not letting you live alone in that house.

I Agreed to moving in with Danielle She smiled and said We should watch some movies tonight and just chill out like old times cause i miss hanging out with you man like ligiet haha like we never hung out in years so we have lunch now but i go home for lunch i live with Justin And Greg so you will live with us too i smiled andsaid yeah well thats if you v and Greg don't do it everynight cause that would be awkard  and i wanted to say youll get pregnant and die Danielle smiled and said i do love you and you are really funny I Missed you i missed you too i smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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