Super Spider:The Hero's Rise (Movie 1)

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(A/N: Author's POV)
Time: Year 2019 Month October

We begin our story at our protagonist's house where we find him sleeping. Suddenly,the phone rings and the time is 7:45.Then he says: " Oh no. I am late".He got ready in a few minutes, then he rushed to the door and his mother said to him:"Kostas where are you going?You haven't eaten your breakfast yet?".
Kostas :"I don't have the time mom. I have to hurry and make it to the bus before it's too late.You know how far the school is. Bye mom, sis"
Mom:"Be careful on the way to school"she said. Kostas gets in the bus.Then after a few minutes Kostas arrives with the bus at his high school which is located outside of town in the hill of a mountain called Pelion. Kostas gets of the bus and gets in the school where he locates Marios who is his best friend.
Marios:"What happened kostas.You are late. That's not a usual thing for you"
Kostas:"Yeah, I woke up late today.Has the bell rang yet?"
Marios:"Not ye-"*the bell ranged*
Kostas:"I'll see you later"
Marios:"Yeah, see ya"
Later at the break Kostas went to the school canteen and he asked:"I would like some pizza"
The employee said:"Right away"
Marios came there too.
Kostas:"let's go outside"
Marios:"Kostas, you will never believe what happened"
Kostas:"What happened?"
Marios:"A test.First period"he replied.
Kostas:"What lesson?"
Kostas:"Oh. How did that go?"he asked.
Marios:"Weeell. Let's talk about something else.Sooo how was your first period?"he asked while trying to change the subject.
Kostas:"I see.That bad. It was fine. I had math"
Marios:"Oh cool"
Then a girl passed by and Kostas stared at her.

    (A/N: That's how she looked like)

Then Marios saw that reaction and he said to him:"I see someone has a crush".
Kostas :"hm? Nah. I mean...she is beautiful but... "
Kostas:"It wouldn't work out in the end"
Marios:"Why would you say that? I mean you are a nice guy"
Kostas:"It is not about that. She is also the most popular girl in the school.If I was dating her then everyone would look me with envy. I wouldn't like the stares"
Marios:"I understand"
Kostas:"Oh.By the way, are you free today? I want to go to the exhibition of Mr Elephantious.I have an assinment on spiders and that would be the perfect place for it"
Marios:"Alright.What time?"he asked.
Kostas:"18 o'clock is fine .We will meet there"
Marios:"Ok then"
*The bell rang*
Marios:"See you later"he said and then he left.
Kostas:" Ciao"

After school at kostas home
Kostas enters the house and says:" I am back"
Mom:"The food is ready" she said. Kostas washes his hands and he sits down to eat.
Mom:"How was your day?"
Kostas:"Nothing special. Oh mom.Today at 18 o'clock, I am going to Mr Elephantious for the assignment I told you about with Marios"
Mom:"Sure but you need to study first"
Kostas:"Yeah. Yeah"

At 18:00 p.m outside of the lab, Kostas was waiting for Marios and the he saw him coming.
Marios:"Oh you are here let's get in"
Kostas:"look at this spider.It's a little weird"
Marios:"What exactly is the assignment?"
Kostas:"I have to write about their natural environment.How they live, mention some of their species and some photos"
Marios:"And you couldn't find all of those information on the internet?"he asked.
Kostas:"I could but where is the fun in that?"

In the meantime
Bob:"Boss.One of the experimental spiders is missing"
Elephantious:"What?How could you let that happen?"
Bob:"Sorry Boss.We were trying to do the next level of the experiment but it managed to get away"
Elephantious:"Agh.We must not let it make contact with a human.We must evacuate the building immediately"he said angrily.
Bob:"Right away boss"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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