A Bad Girl

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A man had 2 daughters.

The elder daughter was married and lived with her in-laws

But the younger daughter was not married and lived with her parents.

The younger daughter fully supports her mother, helps with work, helps in cooking and does household chores with the mother.

But the younger daughter also had 3 evils which her parents did not like.

3 evils of his younger daughter. At first she did not bathe daily, she used to bathe only once or twice a week. Second bad, she didn't brush everyday, Third evil she didn't want to study.

Her parents were afraid that who would marry her.

Her parents understood a lot, but she didn't. 

the boys came to meet him and see the girl, 

Her hair was dirty because she didn't bathe every day, and her skin was bad.

the boy and his parents didn't like him

Within a month, 4-5 people came and disliked.

Now he understood that he had made a big mistake by not listening to his parents.

From now on she used to wash and brush her teeth everyday, even though she had missed her studies, she started reading books of wisdom and good stories.

Even after doing this, his skin could not clear and his hair had also reduced a lot and his two teeth were also broken.

later she got married in a drunkard's house.

The only fault of the boy was that he was a drunkard.

But even then how long will the trust of the drinkers last ?

I wish that girl had obeyed her parents, then her life would have changed.

A girl should not be married in three houses, first in the house of a drunkard, second in the house of politicians, third in the house of goons. life is in danger.

Everyone should do his own work, parents or teachers will not teach all his life.

Thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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