𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂

545 16 8

Cordelia rose as the new supreme, her mother finally died and she seems to be okay. But not to me, I know she has to deal with a lot.

(⚢) fluff

Word count: 1309

༉‧  ₊   ˚ 。   ☾    ₊  ˚  .  ༄

Turning in my sheets half asleep, I again hear these muffled... sobs? I groaned but the curious soul I am my body decided before me to look where these sleep disturbing sounds came from.
The cool night air hit my bare arms when I bashed my blanket over my body. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to wear only a satin pajamas in autumn, I thought to myself shivering.

In the halls I followed the quiet sounds leading my way to... Cordelia's  room?
Oh please not...
With my ear against the white wooden door, my suspicion confirmed itself. It was Cordelia.

The thought of her quietly crying in the darkness of the night for nobody to see her, so her girls wouldn't worry about her broke my heart into a million of pieces. I thought we tell us everything....

I couldn't take it any more seconds so I lightly knocked on the door to which the inside of Cordelia's room went dead quiet.
"Delia, please can I come in? It's me"
I knew Cordelia knew who 'me' was, since I was the only one you was allowed to call her 'Delia' after Myrtle was burned.

I waited and some more sniffles later Cordelia finally responded.

"You may come in, Y/n..." her words right above a wisper. And I didn't let her tell me twice before I pushed the door to her room open.

Since my eyes already had quite some time to adjust to the darkness, I saw Cordelia sitting on her bed perfectly. Her eyes were puffy and her face stained with tears. Her knees pressed into her chest and her slender arms tighly wrapped themselves around them. She didn't look into my direction nor said something again.

I slowly walked deeper into her room until I stood right at the edge of her bed.
"Yes, you can sit down" Cordelia suddently mentioned, without me asking, her voice cracking in the middle of her scentence.
I slowly sat down besides her, leaving enough space between us though, so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"Cordelia, please tell me what's going on" I ask her, hoping for her to answer.

It was hard to get her to show her emotions, but after all she has been through, nobody can be angry about that.
"Please..." I once again begged her, being on the verse of breaking into tears myself. She must have heard it, because finally she turned to look at me for the first time since I came in.

"I-I am so...I don't even know! It's just to much for me to handle at once...I can't even deal with being the supreme and leading the coven. And it's embarassing to say...I still deal with Fiona's dead and then Myrtle being burned...I lost everyone I love, who cared for me!.."

Damn that hurt like a slap right into my face

"And now it's really true, I am worthless, I don't belong anywhere and most of all I am not lovable at all!"
Cordelia was crying like the niagara falls while rambling furiously about all the things on her mind.

And without permission a tear rolled down my cheek. Cordelia probably wondered why I was crying, I knew about the way her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't talk about yourself like that Delia..." I really needed to contain myself a hella lot to not burst into sobs myself.

"I don't want to hear such words about yourself ever again...Not from you or anyone!"
I shuffled my body nearer to hers and cupped both of her cheeks with my cold hands.

"Cordelia Goode..." I wimpered,
"...you are the most strong, brave and...beautiful woman on this planet. And it hurts to listen to you saying all these bad things about youself. Your mother was so wrong her whole life, you aren't worthless Delia...quite the opposite. Where would the coven be without you? Damn you stabbed your pretty orbs out for the coven! And there is at least one person on the planet who loves you, who would jump in front of a train for you. And you know who that is?"
While my whole speech she didn't dare to break our intense eyelock, nor did I.
She shook her head to somehow response me.

"It's me silly"

And there, in this night I had confessed the stongest feelings I've ever had in my damn life. I always wondered if true love exists and when I had met her I knew really great, true love was purer and beautifullier than anything I've read about on those silly little pages.

"You love me?" She sobbed with her quivering lip behind her upper teeth.
"I will prove it to you." And I leaned in, slowly. So Cordelia could pull away anytime she wanted...but she didn't.

Instead she leaned in too, closing her eyes halfway to meet my face. And then our lips pressed against each other, so softly with so much emotions. Her lips tasted sweet and were softer than I imagined a cloud.

It was innocent; no movements. But my feelings were a true rollercoaster. I was so hot even though it was freezing in my satin pajamas.
I felt like floating into the sky above the clouds, so protected with her arms around my waist.
And when I pulled away my lips to breathe in some new air, Cordelia eagerly followed my face to press her lips on mine once again. It was just a small peck but it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I, once again, reached out for Cordelia's face, tucking a strand of her long, golden hair behind her ear. The blush she tried to hide didn't go unnoticed by me.

"I love you more than you could imagine Delia." I murmured while stoking her right cheek with my thumb.
"Oh jesus Y/n... I love you too, so so much..."

I laid my forehead against hers, our noses touching lightly.
"And I know you're scared to love just to be left again, but I promise.." I took her pinky finger and hooked it with mine,
"...I will love you until my last breath, you are everything I wanted since I stepped into this big ass white mansion 2 years ago..."

She shook her head again while more and more tears streamed down her face.

"...but only if you let me, my love." I wispered with our pinkies still engaged.
Suddently she fiddled her finger out of mine just to take my face in both her hands and kissed me.
This time with something new; passion.

"Yes" kiss "Yes" kiss "Yes!"

I giggled into the little pecks and pulled her more into me, until I fell back into her matress with her on top of me. She bend down and spreat kisses all over my face and tiggled my stomach.
"St-stop pleasee!" I begged for mercy between small giggles.

And suprisingly she actually stopped and just cuddled into my side before pulling the covers over us. Her blonde head dissapeared in the crook of my neck where I felt a wet peck seconds later.

"Sleep, my love. I am here for you, you can talk to me anytime understand?" I asked lovingly but still stern.
"Yes, thank you. Same for you...but now..." she was interrupted by a yawn so cute it sounded like honey, "...let's sleep."

"Good night delia"
"Good night Y/n, I love you."
"I love you too"
And with a big grin on my face I drove into a dreamless night, cuddled into my sweet Delia the whole time.

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Herbs of her Heart || 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now