Chapter Twenty Two

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Matt wasn't exaggerating, Dan's grandparents house is a mansion

In a gated community, with two large security protected gates. The driveway is centered around a fountain that's almost the size of our living room. The surrounding gardens (or, fields, literally) are lit up and neatly trimmed, dotted with various flowers. 

Even in the dark, I can tell the mansion is an old sandstone colour and looks almost like a castle. 

"Jesus Christ, right?" Noah comments. "Dan's grandmother created some new type of steel cable or something. They've coasted off the money for decades." 

"This is insane," I comment. 

The tall walls loom over me as we walk towards the entryway. It's ridiculously big for anyone to live in, nevermind some likely old and frail pensioners. 

Two large stained oak doors tower over the two of us. Noah leans forward to press a buzzer. 

"Did you really used to pronounce it missing-ter-prett?"

"Misinterpret just doesn't like like a real word," I huff. "You aren't supposed to bring up the embarrassing things ever again - that defeats the object." 

He's holding his hands up when Dan pulls open one of the doors, grinning at us. 

We make small talk as he gives us a mini tour, showing us living room after living room, three different libraries, an indoor pool, and both a regular and an old-time servants kitchen. It's completely overwhelming; I know I'd get lost if Dan wasn't constantly leading in front of us, talking about the history of the house. 

"You're late," is the first phrase we're greeted with when we walk into yet another living room. This one has a log fire lit, with Sara and Skye sat comfortably in front of it. Chelsea is with them too, winking at me as I roll my eyes towards Matthew. 

"Someone finished work late," Noah explains, gesturing back to me lazily. 

I wink back at Chelsea. 

There's a huge arch window that shows the black night outside, with barely a star in the sky. There's a seating area in front of it littered with old books. Huge beams line the walls, decorated with fairy lights that have been turned on. 

As I take my seat on the floor next to Chelsea I continue to take in the details of the furniture that probably cost more than every penny I've ever made in my life. 

"I know," Chelsea mumbles beside me. "Dan doesn't look so bad right now, huh?" 

"Chels," I scorn.

She grins, "It was a joke. Sort of." 

Skye and Sara both twist their bodies so they've turned away from the boys and towards us, each with a matching smile on their face. 

Skye looks particularly good tonight. I've not seen her since she was hungover in our kitchen, so I guess anything would've looked better than dried vomit in her hair, but she's obviously made a huge effort. 

Her dark eyes and red lipstick are making her look like a disney villain with a dark back story - not to mention the tighter-than-tight dress matched with a thick fur coat. 

Sara leans forward, eyes twinkling. "Why were you late?" 

I put on my best 'confused' face. "Huh?" 

"You and Noah - you were meant to be here like an hour ago." 

"Oh," I force a laugh. "I really did have to work late. Christmas is always a super busy time for us in marketing." 

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