Her majesty, Rin Kagamine

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Long ago, back when royals ruled and your lineage was equal to your worth, there was a kingdom. The kingdom of Sekaiva, ruled by the Kagamines. The Kagamines were a powerful family long before they gained their royal status, as they were once an important merchant family. Eventually they married into the line of succession and before anyone could react, the first Kagamine sat on the throne,  queen Anon Kagamine. The kingdom has prospered under their rein for many years. They current heiress is her majesty princess Rin Kagamine, her legacy will soon be made, her story written, her name remembered for all of time.


"Fetch me some tea! And make it quick! The duchess of Ceviolye is arriving soon and I need to great her!" 

"Of course your majesty."

The princess sat on her window seat while admiring the sky, this was princess Rin. She had short blond hair done up in a bun, bright blue eyes and a long yellow dress with white lace and black highlights. She liked to wear a bow in her hair however the queen had forbade her from doing so today. Today was the visiting day of her highness IA and her young sister, duchess Flower. As the princess of Sekaiva, Rin had been tasked with keeping Flower entertained while her mother met with Queen IA. 

"Here is your tea my lady, I have brought some for the guest as well."

"Thank you Oliver."

Oliver was princess Rins official head butler. He had short blond hair, much like the princess and one blue eye. His other eye was missing for reasons unknown and his eye socket hidden beneath bandages. He was well behaved during the day though he often sneaked out at night to visit a nearby duke named Fukase. Some say that they were having an affair but Rin had decided to simply leave them be. In all honesty Rin wanted to be Oliver's friend, but due to the difference in social standings that could never happen. 

"Your majesty! The guests from ceviolye have arrived!"

"Already! Goodness, I must've lost track of time."

Rin hopped out off the window seat and speed-walked down to the entrance hall, a tardy princess was better off not a princess at all. She arrived just in time for the doors to swing open, revealing two figures. Though they both wore magnificent clothes one of them carried herself prouder, and more regally then the other. That figure was her majesty, Queen IA, her long white and pink hair flowing down her back. As for the other figure, it could only be Flower, her hair was rather short and was also white, though unlike her sisters it had hints of purple instead of pink. They both walked into the entrance way and Flower was lead by a butler towards Rin.

"Why hello there! I am Princess Rin Kagamine, I take it you are Duchess Flower Aduroux?"

"Yes your majesty. I am."

"Wonderful! Pleased to make your acquaintance. Please follow me to the conservatory, we have tea and cookies!"

"Thank you your majesty."

The girls walked up the stairs towards the conservatory, chatting while they did so. A maid of Flowers followed close behind them. The maid had short grey hair and two different eye Colours, odd. 

"And who is this maid of yours? She looks very adorable! Hehe"

"His name is Piko"

"Uwah? He?"

The princess looked confused, while the duchess just looked annoyed. The maids or rather, butlers face was unreadable. The previously upbeat and friendly atmosphere suddenly became awkward and cold. Perhaps this meeting wouldn't go as planned...


573 words! The next chapter will be longer I promise! What do you guys think so far? I'd love to hear / see :)

Help I've already updated this 3 times to fix mistakes 💀

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