Chapter 1 [Edited]

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'a faded dream '


At Tempur-A station

There was someone whp laying on the bed at medic room. He been there for 3 hours with his power sphera or known as friend, Ochobot

Lance corporal, Fang give report to commander Koko ci, what happened to Boboiboy and tell him that mysterious group

"I see, so how his condition right now?" asked Koko ci. Then Fang reply "All is good, nothing serious but it just I can say his still struggle to control his emotions since his elemental second tier been connected to it, he will be tired easily"

Koko ci now is thinking after that he said "Alright then, but ask to him to training his elemental also his emotions and don't forget to tell him to rest"

Fang reply and do TAPOPS salute " Alright commander" and he go left commander alone

" Mmm, it's bad, they already show up but what are they plan right now"










At medic room where Boboiboy now is rest. That room is silent and peaceful...

But it doesn't mean the dream he has now is peaceful like that room but weird...

At unknown place there can see all is black with a mist at the floor. Then, someone open his brown eyes and he is our Dino boy , Boboiboy who looked surprised at around him. 'w-where am I?!' thought him ' It doesn't look like my elemental dimension' he look around again but nothing to see, it's only a dark void

Suddenly an unknown voice been heard " Hello...... Are you heard me?" Boboiboy, who heard that shocked "Who are you?!" he shouted and about to change to one of his elementals but nothing happened, 'What is happening?!'

" I know you are scared but please listen to me, I don't have much time for this situation right now. I want you-" suddenly that voice cut and as well the light come some where

" W-what you trying to say!? Hey wait!!" but it's too late all his vision now white and he open his eyes, he can see Ochobot beside him and go hug him.

"Boboiboy are you okey? I see you sweating and heard you shouted." said Ochobot and Boboiboy heard this only shocked and say "I'm okey, Ochobot don't worry about it"

"Thank god, I thought what there is something wrong with you. I will report this commander" said Ochobot and he go out left Boboiboy alone

'It's only a dream.... but at the same time it was real'





Boboiboy pov

Since that day , I was thinking and thinking who was that voice? Why that voice appear into my dream? And most importanly why it want to talk to me..... A days past so fast and I think that dream only a weird dream......but why I think it's important to me?

Since that I not focus as well, my friends been worried about me and I got a warning from Admiral Tarung.

It's same things with my elemental, they worried why I'm always space out, they want to help me but I think it's my problem not them....

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