Chapter 27 It's just a question

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If you are interested in Romance, read my new story She's dangerous about a girl who was a once ruthless girl but is now an 'innocent' nerd, what would happen next if the playboy Avelon found out?

Asteria and Leto: NO.

Max: O_O what?

Leto: as we said no. you're not leaving.

Max: but I promis-

Asteria then gave you the glare

Asteria: you dare.

Max: n-no.

Asteria: good now how about we head out to the village.

Max: what if the villagers find out you're a goddess?

Asteria: don't worry, Gods and Goddesses' can turn into objects and people too you know.

Max's mind: forgot about that.

Max put on an outfit, but THIS time it's greek ones. and he puts on a cloak and also he takes off his mask since he'll use a scarf anyways.

Asteria transformed into a young boy who was about 14.

Max: you sure about that appearance?

Asteria: umm yeah, I get harassed if I were disguised as another girl.

Max: let's go, maybe we'll meet your mom there.

Asteria then came with two horses. oh no.

Asteria: what's wrong?

Max: you know what I'll just walk.

Asteria: Max, use the horse.

she gave me the leash and I was literally lost. she gets on the horse while I tried to.

Asteria: you having trouble there Max?

Max: no I'm. . .perfectly. . .fine.

in fact you were struggling to get on the horse yourself.

Asteria: Max spill it.

Max: I-

Asteria: spill now.

Max: I don't know how to ride a horse.

Asteria: pfft, ok no offense but really?

Max: yes really.

Asteria helped Max for over 10 minutes straight.

Max: thanks Aria.

Asteria: Aria?

Max: It's a nickname for you.

Asteria: what's a nickname?

Max: well it's like a shorter version of your name.

Aria: ok then, I'll allow it. be grateful that a goddess is allowing you to call her 'names'.

Max's mind: why would you say that out of the blue?

Aria: so now can you ride it smoothly?

Max: not exactly but I'm better than before, and this is why I don't want horses.

Aria: why's that?

Max: oh umm. . .I would prefer my ride back in the city.

Aria: what City?

Max: Aria are we going or not.

Aria: oh right. hehe.

as they were riding on the path Aria took quick glances at Max and when he wasn't looking she would smile. she didn't know being with one person unlike her 'ex-best friend' would be more entertaining and magical, but him leaving her would break her. so that's why she'll be going everywhere with him.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗚𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗻Where stories live. Discover now