Life is Grand

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Once there were video stores, now there's tanning salons,

Life here seems to have moved on.

Cinema and Art make way for vanity, depth for surface,

Is that Sanity?

The world is changing, ain't it Grand?

But there's two sides, I understand.

In this world, I see a plan.

For here I am, 6'2" I stand,

With all man knows, right here in hand.

But our knowing is not wise.

Wisdom comes from the Divine.

We do not think, we understand,

It's only a tool, what's in our hand.

Look up at night,

Ain't it Grand?

Can't you see the light?

Can you see the plan?

Can you your light within you, and do you let it shine?

It comes from the light above you,

It's not you, it's not I.

Hubris ends us, humility Divine.

Shine in light, let it shine.

I speak words, but they are not mine.

All the good, from the Divine.

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