A job offer | Chapt. 1

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This also takes place during chipocalypse now

You've heard of the greens. The family that lives next to your apartment. You hated them at first. But after spending some time and getting to know Cricket and Tilly, you visit frequently, and play games with them. It doesn't help that your good friend Gloria is also their friend and even has a job right next to their house. Too bad Big coffee got shut down and the Green's house will be destroyed because of some "hot" ceo.

Hearing the news absolutely infuriated you. They did nothing to deserve this! They're a nice family after all. Yeah Alice is a little unhinged but you couldn't think of any other reason the Greens deserve this. You walk into the lobby of the apartment you live in. Only to see the man himself. Chip Whistler. He seemed to be talking with the complex owner. You wanted to walk up and swing at his stupid pretty face. But stayed still and silent. Watching what they were doing.

It looked like Chip handed them some kind of paper. That's when the owners face lit up and shook the trump lookin mfer's hand. That's when you realized he bought your apartment complex, and the look of terror instantly plastered on your face. He apparently heard your eternal screaming and headed over your way.

"Looks like you've heard the news! Or saw it.. but I've come to tell ya that this place is mine now. SOO I'd suggest you'd start packing and hit the road!" He patted you on the shoulder and headed up the elevator to tell everyone else that lives here. You can't believe this is happening. Your first instinct was to go tell Gloria about this, so you bolted to the elevator. Waiting for it to come back down. It didn't take long, but before you could go in, Brett came downstairs with his dogs.

"Oh hey Y/n. Did you hear the news?" He said with a sad tone.

You nodded your head yes, and a frown formed just by thinking of it.

"Mhm. Just taking these boys out for the last time before I start packing.."

"I'll leave you to it then. Bye." You said, trying to keep in your anger. Just as he left. The elevator opened again, only this time, it was Chip. He notices your anger and decides to mess with you even more. "Awhh gonna cry.? Piss your pants maybe.?~" he giggles silently. Your blood was boiling, and you started to clench your fists. Realizing he got kicked like a bitch the last time he messed with a girl, and knowing he didn't have his bodyguards with him, he instantly regretted what he said and spoke with a less annoying tone.

"I-if you're looking for a new place to stay, there's some great apartments down town..!" You didn't respond, so he started panicking. "OH a-and when the new Wholesome Foods mega store is built, we'll need employees. So if you're interested, I could h-hire you! We pay our employees good..! Haha.."

You stopped clenching your first, not because your interested in anything he's saying, but because it started to hurt. You decided to not sock him in the face and just gave him a death stare. He gulped, then shakingly handed you a paper. It had "information" on how you apply for the job. more like his number and a very seductive note. With very stupid questions. "Is this supposed to be a job application..?!" You thought to yourself.

"If you're interested, call me! Not like anyone else will hire someone like you." He whispered the last part. A part of you felt like you were supposed to hear that since you heard it crystal clear. "NOW YOU LISTEN-" before you could rage at him he bolted out the building. You sighed and looked at the paper again. "Hell no." You said to yourself, looking at the "job application" in disgust. But surprisingly, you didn't throw it away and instead kept it on you.

"OH YEAH, GLORIA!" You rushed in the elevator and headed to your apartment room. Where your phone was in your bed. You dialed your friend, who was also panicked since she no longer had a job. "Gloria!! You won't believe what just happened.." You say down on your couch and rambled on to her. It took awhile before she got to even speak.

"He took your apartment too?! Why do bad things keep happening to usss!" Gloria whined. She also sounded like she was stuffing her face with ice cream. A pretty common occurrence. Not surprised at all. "He also offered me a job at wholesome foods. Yeah right. Like I'm working for the person who just bought my home." You sounded more annoyed than anything.

"I'm so desperate for a job, I'll take it if you don't want it. PLEASEE!" Gloria began sobbing, then immediately shoved another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"Yeah I'll give it to ya..." You paused and looked at the paper again, then thought to yourself for a moment. They DO pay good. And getting a new apartment would be easy if some rich guy was going to find one for you.

"Uhh Gloria..." You said, still looking at the paper. Gloria let out a sad groan as an answer. And you continued to speak. "Maybe work at burger clown... I heard they're hiring..!"

"W-WHAT?? Y/N!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I NEED THAT JOB!" She said, almost choking on her ice cream. "YES YES.. I'm kidding. I'll find a way for both of us to be hired. But first, I've got a paper to fill out, and a ceo to call..."

SHORT. YES I KNOW. BUT NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE WAY MORE I PROMISE. Tell me what you think about this chapter tho.

I'll try and update this as soon as I can! Baii.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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