Hate you 1.

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Hyunjin and Minho never really got along well with each other even though they're in the same group and well yes they're supposed to be a team, but hyunjin and Minho would always fight and argue even over who go to the bathroom first. Yes, the other members have to deal with their dramatic fights. The relationship between those two were like a love-hate relationship but more hate.

Well if you think about it, they clearly hate each other, but maybe it was wrong. Maybe the two lo- okay okay let's save that for later. Minho was kinda rough with hyunjin. He'd shove tissue paper into his mouth or threaten to airfry him while hyunjin was the one who starts the fights. Being the dramatic and bratty boy he is, he'd complain about literally anything when it comes to Minho and be upsetty spaghetti over everything. He'd even argue about who'll take the last slice of pizza like it's his life depended on it when it's with Minho.

They never really got along. The only times they got along were when chan lose his temper and get mad at the two for always fighting. Angry chan was scarier than a ghost. So the two had to act like the got along, well until chan calmed down. Then the argument starts again. They'd bicker about everything. It's a relief they don't live in the same dorms. Well enough ranting now let's get to the real story. 

"No! I saw that bag of gummies first!" "Well I took it first!" Here we go again. Hyunjin and Minho arguing over literal gummies like they can't share them. "You guys can share! Why argue all the time?" Han said keeping his eyes on the TV screen while laying down on the couch. He couldn't even hear the show properly with all that arguing and shouting behind him.

"I'm not sharing with him! What if he poison my gummies?" Hyunjin said still fighting with Minho. The two were running around the room. Hyunjin chasing Minho while Minho ran as fast as he can with the bag of gummies in his hand, holding onto it tightly. "Give me the bag you asshole!" Hyunjin said as he chased Minho. "No swearing!" Bang chan scolded.

It was crystal clear that everyone had to deal with this everyday. It was like it was on a daily basis. Seungmin walked up to the running Minho and stopped him. Then he snatched the bag of gummies that Minho was holding and walked away, opening the bag and taking a piece of gummy to his mouth. "This bag of gummies would've been a waste if you two keep arguing about it." He said with a piece of gummy in his mouth.

Hyunjin pouted. "This is all your fault." He said to Minho, crossing his arms. "I was peacefully grabbing that bag of gummies when you came and tried to take it from me and now you're blaming me?" Minho said as he scoffed. Hyunjin pouted even more which everyone cooed at, well everyone except seungmin and Minho.

Hyunjin was just too cute and adorable. He walked over to the couch and sat down on the left side while han was laying on the right side. Minho was now in the kitchen, waiting for the microwave to finish warming his left over pizza. When he heard the beep. He opened the door of the microwave and took his slice of pizza.

He took a bite. The cheese slightly melted and a bit stretchy. The crust crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The pieces of ham on the pizza a bit sweet and perfectly cooked. The peppers giving it a nice kick. It was warm and the texture was perfect.

He then slowly walked over to the couch with the plate of pizza in his hand. He got closer to see hyunjin sitting there. He looked over to see if there's any space far away from hyunjin and guess what, No there wasn't. Han was taking half of the couch laying down. "Han, can you not lay down?" Minho asked. "No, go sit somewhere else." He replied. Minho rolled his eyes but then realized he had to sit next to hyunjin out of all people. He thought of sitting on the floor but knew hyunjin would make fun of him for it so he gave in.

He sat beside hyunjin receiving a weird look from him. "Out of all the places, you decided to sit here?" Hyunjin said while scooting closer to han. "Out of all the places, this is the only empty space." Minho replied turning his head to the screen to focus on the movie instead of the younger who was basically making fun of him. "You can sit on the floor. What? Are you like secretly in love with me?" Hyunjin said as he chuckled. I swear Minhos heart jumped out of his chest for a second. "As if. Whoever likes you, needs to go see a therapist." Minho replied.

"I guess you need therapy then." Hyunjin teased. Minho was secretly exploding on the inside. No one can really guess why, can you? Well even if you guessed it, keep it a secret or Minhos gonna airfry you. Minho scoffed and took a bite out of his pizza. Glancing over at the younger beside him, he saw him looking at the pizza he was holding.

Knowing he was hungry, Minho decided to tease him a little. "You want my pizza, don't you?" He asked. "I don't." Hyunjin replied, rolling his eyes. Minho chuckled. "Whatever you say." Minho said.

Dance practice was over and all of the members were resting, well almost all of them. Hyunjin was still dancing and he looked like he was about to pass out from all that exhaustion. Minho saw him forcing himself to dance. Even though he hated the younger but still, he couldn't watch the younger like that. So he got up from the bench and walked up to the younger who was still dancing.

"Stop dancing and go or you'll pass the fuck out. Then no one will carry you and you'll be left alone here passed out." Minho said as he turned the music off. "Will you just leave me the fuck alone? Let me do my job without you bugging me?" Hyunjin said as he tried to turn the music on again but Minho stopped him. "You wanna pass out? Fine then. Do what you want." Minho let go of hyunjins wrist and walked away.

"Fine, I'll listen to your ass just this once.." Hyunjin said as he gave in and stopped dancing. "I'm hungry!" Han said as he chugged on a bottle of water. "Who's gonna go and buy something from the convenience store down the street?" Changbin asked. "How about we play rock, paper, scissors and the two losers have to go?" Chan said. "Two? What do you mean two?" Han asked in curiously. "We can't just let one person go alone. Something can happen." Chan said.

"Okay then." Han said and they started playing rock, paper, scissors and guess what. Minho and Hyunjin lost. "I'm not going with him out of all people!" Hyunjin said as he crossed his arms. "Well guess what? I don't wanna go with you, too." Minho said. "Get along for once you two!" Felix said. The two stopped arguing and they -unwillingly- agreed to go.

The two didn't talk the whole walk to the convenience store. It was quiet. When they finally got to the convenience store, they both went inside and started searching for something to buy. Hyunjin grabbed some chocolates and gummies while Minho grabbed some cup noodles and drinks. "Gummies and chocolates? Really?" Minho said as he placed the stuff on the counter. "Yes, is there a problem?" Hyunjin said as he stepped out of the store to wait for Minho to finish paying.

Minho scoffed and payed for the stuff. He then grabbed the bags and walked out of the shop to see hyunjin waiting for him. "You owe me twelve dollars." He said as he walked off while hyunjin followed him. "I thought it was your treat." Hyunjin said sarcastically. "No, you're paying for your own food." Minho replied. Hyunjin scoffed. "Rude."


Words count: 1392

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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