Part I - Wild Winter // 1 - Pizza Projector

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I'm temporarily blinded as I pass the projector to sit in one of the uncomfortable metal chair in the room. Still blinking as I settle down, or try to at least. The lieutenant is scrolling on his phone while the room fills up, chairs screeching on the floor. I recognize a few, nodding and bumping fists with others.

I stretch my legs in front of me, careful not to trip anyone, to ease the pressure on the joints from sitting. Carter pushes down on my shoulder when he settles in chair on my left, takes the opportunity to ruffle my hair. The room is quickly full, I check my watch - 7:00pm.

The lieutenant closes the door, leans against the wall remote in hand, by the projector's lit up square. He stares across the room, but everyone's quiet and attentive. I stop stretching.

"Last overview of the mission." His stern voice slightly echos in the room. He goes over the brief no less than three times, again.

No one speaks up, no questions, just solemn silence and slight dread.

When he's satisfied he turns off the projectors and leaves the room. No one is moving though, lost in thought. I stretch my legs again, rub my eyes to get relieve the pressure from staring at the plans and routes. Max is the first to break the trance, nudging my foot with his.

"Pizza?" His voice, breaks the silence and tension, others getting up to leave the room.

Hopeful eyes catch mine when I pull my head back and I nod, pushing on Carter's arm to get his attention. The three of us are the last ones to leave room, Carter closes the door behind us.

The long grey hallways seem to stretch for miles, occasional light blinking. We follow the group, quiet as we are. We're all fully immersed on the brief, as if the mission had already started. Perhaps it did. I only remember where we are headed when Max's shoulder brushes mine.

These hallways were not made for us. Ceiling too low and just wide enough for two of us. I slow down to let the two of them go first. Our unit is only composed of big guys, I may be the tallest but Carter is the biggest, Max falling short in both but he's the strongest.

Others are just as big, though and scarred. When we reach the cafeteria, the room quiets down a little. Pizza boxes opened and mouths chewing but the voices rise again. I hear low laughs and grab a box, following others to a free table.

Our units stays quiet for the most part, Max is chatting with others, sports and game, voices slowly rising in interest and complains. The pizza is easier to eat.

Most go to their room, Max stays seated, invested in defending an old school game. Carter and I head to the showers. Clean up the sweat and dirt of the day, I brush at invisible stains, rubbing my skin raw.

When I close my room's door, it's silent and dark, for once no one makes noise, no heated argument or wrestling. I settle and turn on the mattress, stretch and curl over the sheets.

I don't sleep that night. 


hi, let me know if you spot errors in language :)

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